I earned credits from a correspondence university.
- I earned credits at a correspondence college.
- I earned credits from a correspondence university.
- I graduated from a junior college but I wanted to get a four year degree so I studied with a correspondence college to earn credits.
「通信制大学で単位を取得しました。」は英語で「I took online courses for university credits.」と言います。こちらは元の日本語と少し異なりますが、直訳して「I got credits from an online university.」は私にはあまり自然ではありません。私の地元のカナダでは通信制大学はありますが普段人は実際に大学に行ったり、できない場合は夜に授業を取ったりすることで、授業ひとつか二つを通信制で取る形が多いです。なので、「I took online courses for university credits.」の方が自然です。
I graduated from a junior college, but I wanted to graduate from a university, so I took courses online and got credits for it.