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2016/10/18 14:14
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  • The morning after the night before

  • The morning after last night

  • I got home in the early hours of the morning

When explaining you got home the in the morning after a long night out, you are telling someone you were out all night and didnt return until the next day. The use of the 'idiom' - The morning after the night before, is used as a humorous way to infer that last night was a great night that you had, partying, and you might even be stating that you have a hangover. The morning after is the correct term to describe this time. The use of the preposition shows that it was following the night before. Enjoy your night out!
徹夜した日の次の朝に家に帰ることを説明する時、一晩中外にいて、次の日まで帰らなかったということができます。 イディオムを使うと、「The morning after the night before」を使うことができます。昨夜は、パーティーや二日酔いであるとしても楽しい夜だったということです。 「The morning after」は、この時間を表現する正しい用語です。前置詞を使うことで、前の晩に続いてということを使命ます。 夜遊びを楽しんでください。
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • get home (early) in the morning

  • not get home till (early in) the morning

▶︎ get home (early) in the morning  (早)朝に家に帰る ▶︎ not get home till (early in) the morning  (早)朝まで家に帰らない (例) I don't get home till the morning on most weekends. ほとんどの週末は朝まで家に帰らない。
  • I got home early hours of the morning.

  • I was out all night.

  • All nighter.

"I got home early hours of the morning." This means you only got home very early in the morning. "I was out all night." This explains you were out all night and only got home the next morning. "All nighter." This is an English term to explain that what you were doing took all night.
I got home early hours of the morning. これは、朝早く家に帰ることを意味します。 I was out all night. これは、徹夜して次の日の朝家に帰ることを言っています。 ""All nighter."" これは、徹夜するという英語の用語です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Pulling an all-nighter

  • Sleep over

There are a few phrases that might describe your situation. If you are an adult and you spend all night at the office, a party or some other event then you can use the term all-nighter. All-nighter describes any situation that continues throughout the night and ends the following morning. It can be used to describe both social and work related situations. 'If you are a banker or politician all-nighters are a normal part of work life' If it is a social occasion and you are spending the night sleeping at someones home you can describe this as a sleep over. 'Sleep over' is a phrasal verb and the term is often associated with children and a social situation. ‘Katie was asked to sleep over with Jenny’
"このような状況を説明するにはいくつかのフレーズがあります。 あなたが成人していて一晩中オフィスで過ごす場合、パーティーやその他のイベントがある場合は”all nighter”を使用することができます。 “All nighter”は一晩中続き翌朝終わる状況のことを指します。 社交的または仕事関係の両方の状況に用いることができます。 “If you are a banker or politician all-nighters are a normal part of work life”(もしもあなたが銀行家か政治家であれば朝帰りはごく普通の会社生活の一部です。) 社交行事としてあなたが誰かの家で一夜過ごす時ことは”sleep over”です。 “Sleep over”は行為動詞であり多くの場合子供や社交行事に関連します。 “Katy was asked to sleep over with Jenny.”(ケイティはジェニーとのお泊まりに誘われた。)"
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • All nighter

lasting all night It is always the morning after an all-night party. He had just left an all-night party and was riding that day. Your teenage daughter has begged you to let her attend an all-night party at a friend's house. He stopped off at an all-night supermarket
夜中ずっと続くこと。 It is always the morning after an all-night party. いつも、徹夜のパーティーの後は朝になります。 He had just left an all-night party and was riding that day. 彼は徹夜のパーティーから抜けたんだけど、すっごくノっていたよ。 Your teenage daughter has begged you to let her attend an all-night party at a friend's house. あなたのまだ10代の娘が、友達の家のオールナイトのパーティーに参加することを許してくれるよう頼みました。 He stopped off at an all-night supermarket 彼は、オールナイトのスーパーマーケットに立ち寄りました。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • An all-nighter

You don't go out very much and when you do you are usually quite conservative and get home before midnight so that you may enjoy a good night's sleep. But your best friend arrives on your doorstep and entices you to go out for a drink in the local pub. You end up drinking too much and pulling an all-nighter, arriving home at 9 am after having breakfast in an early morning diner! You are disgusted with yourself for being so easily led!
保守的で、深夜前にいつも家に帰る人なら夜の眠りを外出をせずむしろ楽しむでしょう。 けどもし友達が玄関先まで来ていて、飲みに誘ってきたら? 徹夜して飲んで、結局朝早く朝食を済ませ、戻ったのは9時だった。 友達に簡単に流されてしまう自分に失望だ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • all nighter

  • I was out all night and went home the next day.

all nighter- means something that lasted the whole night. In this case you spend the whole night having fun and went home the next day. For example: "I pulled an all-nighter to go out with my friends last night during a school week and ended up in the wrong class twice."
all nighter- とは、一夜中続いていた、という意味です。 この場合、一夜中遊んでいて帰ったのが次の日、という文ですね。 例 "I pulled an all-nighter to go out with my friends last night during a school week and ended up in the wrong class twice." 昨夜は平日なのに友達と徹夜して遊びに出かけて、結局クラスを二回も間違ってしまった。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I got home in the early hours of the morning.

  • I had an all nighter.

When you are out all night and go home only in the morning, you can say: "I got home in the early hours of the morning." "I had an all nighter."
「よそで夜を過ごし、朝になって家に帰る」は、次のように表せます。 "I got home in the early hours of the morning."(朝帰りをしました) "I had an all nighter."(徹夜をしました)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • A long one.

  • All night party.

  • A late one.

I suppose it depends on the situation, and these phrases or names will generally be used for when you spend all night out in bars or clubs.
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • All nighter

  • Sleep over

Below are ways that it can be explained that you stayed up all night and ways that it could be used in a sentence. I pulled an all nighter at the library yesterday. There was a sleep over at my friends house, so I didn't get home until the next morning. We stayed up all night to finish the research paper. My mother told me I could not pull all nighters this semesters.
「徹夜をした」は文の中では次のように言えます。 I pulled an all nighter at the library yesterday. (昨日は図書館で徹夜をしました) There was a sleep over at my friends house, so I didn't get home until the next morning. (友達の家に泊まったので、家に帰ったのは次の日の朝です) We stayed up all night to finish the research paper. (私たちは徹夜で小論文を仕上げました) My mother told me I could not pull all nighters this semesters. (母に今学期は徹夜をしてはいけないと言われました)
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • out all night

If you spend the entire night outside of the house doing something, we say that we were out all night. This normally implies that you were out drinking and/or partying so if you were doing something else, you will need to explain that to your listener. I hope that this helps. :)
「一晩中外出していた」は 'I was out all night' のように言えます。これは普通「外で酒を飲んでいた/どんちゃん騒ぎしていた」というニュアンスです。ですから、それ以外のことをしていたなら、説明する必要があります。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • All night galavanting.

  • Out all night.

  • I was out all night till the morning.

To explain that you only got home in the morning after a night out, use the sentences above. "The meeting lasted all night, I only got home this morning!" "I don't like attending all-night prayer meetings, coming home in the morning doesn't feel good."
「夜遊んで朝家に帰ってきた」は、上記のように言えます。 "The meeting lasted all night, I only got home this morning!"(ミーティングが一晩続いて、家に帰ったのは今朝でした) "I don't like attending all-night prayer meetings, coming home in the morning doesn't feel good."(徹夜祈り会は好きではありません。朝家に帰るのはいい気分ではありません)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • An all nighter

  • Night bender

  • Bar Crawl

In England there are two different ways of ssaying that you have gone out all night. All nighter: The first is used when studying and you stay awake all night in the library or some other quiet place and then go to home in the morning. Night Bender and Bar Crawl: These refer to when someone will go out all night from bar to bar drinking alcohol until the early hours of the morning.
イングランドでは「一晩中外出する」は二通りの言い方があります。 All nighter: は、図書館など静かな場所に行って徹夜で勉強し朝家に帰ることをいいます。 Night Bender と Bar Crawl: は、お酒を飲みながら朝方まで居酒屋をはしごすることをいいます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Stayed out all night

  • I came home in the wee hours of the morning.

If you stayed out all night and went home in the morning you can describe this by saying :- 1. I stayed out all night 2. I came home in the wee hours of the morning. The definition of wee hours are the hours very late at night or very early in the morning. An example of wee hours are the hours between 1:00 AM and 4:00 AM
よそで夜を過ごし、朝になって家に帰ったことは、次のように説明できます。 1. I stayed out all night(一晩外で過ごしました) 2. I came home in the wee hours of the morning.(明け方家に帰りました) 'wee hours' は「夜中過ぎ」や「明け方」、時間で言うと午前1時から4時くらいまでを指します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I was out all night.

  • All nighter

These phrases explain that you were out that night, and got home sometime early in the morning. The expression All nighter actually means "without sleep" so it's not only limitted to refer to the people who were out all night until sunrise. It may also be refered to students who pulls an all nighter to study, meaning they did not sleep inorder for them to study. In addition an All nighter is pulled with the help of certain liquid intake that may keep a person from his sleep such as cafeine or liqour.
これらはどちらも、夜をよそで過ごし、朝家に帰ったことを伝える言い方です。 ただ、"All nighter" は「徹夜」という意味で、必ずしも「外で過ごした」を表すわけではありません。学生が徹夜で勉強したときにも使われます。"All nighter" はカフェインやお酒など飲み物の力を借りながら徹夜をすることをいいます。
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • All nighter.

  • To be out all night.

Usually the most common way to express that we were awake and out of our homes all night long would be an, "all nigher." As this expresses that we stayed up all night long doing something like studying, working or even partying. Example sentence : - I pulled an all nighter **Please notice for this we would use the verb, "to pull." Another way to express this would be to use, "to be out all night," as this is more of a reference and emphasis that you were not at your home all night long. Example sentence : - I was out all night.
家に帰らず徹夜をしたとき、一番よく使われる表現は "all nighter" です。これは「徹夜で勉強した[仕事をした、遊んだ]」という意味です。 例文: I pulled an all nighter(徹夜をしました) ※ この表現では動詞に "to pull" を使います。 別の言い方には "to be out all night" があります。これは「一晩家に帰らなかった」という意味です。 例文: I was out all night.(朝帰りしました)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • An all-nighter

I am not aware of the specific word for your situation. I think it's easier to explain just with the sentence. For example - He is a very famous all-nighter but his marks are really bad because of it
私の知る限りこの状況を表す特定の単語は英語にはありません。これは文全体で表すようにした方が伝わりやすいと思います。 例: He is a very famous all-nighter but his marks are really bad because of it(彼はよく朝帰りをすることで有名です、そのせいで成績はひどいですが)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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