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メッセージでこの質問を聞きたいです。 どなたか教えてください!
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2017/05/26 11:59
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  • What time does practice start today?

  • What time do we start training today?

  • What time do we start today?

練習は"practice"または"training"です。 聞きたい内容が『何時から』なので、”What time...?"が使いやすいです。 "What time does practice start today?"は少し丁寧な言い方なので、コーチや先生に聞く場合、またはスポーツジムなどに問い合わせる時に使うと自然です。 "What time do we start training today?"は、"we"を使うことで、『(わたしたちは)何時に始めるの?』という雰囲気になります。活動のグループメッセージなどで、チームメイトや同僚に聞くときは、この表現が自然です。 練習をすること自体が明示的であれば、”What time do we start today?"『今日何時から始めるの?』で伝わります。 終わる時間を尋ねるときは、"start"を"finish"に入れ替えられます。 『何を持っていけばいい?』は"What do I need to bring?"と聞くことができます。
  • What time is our practice today?

今日の練習は何時ですか? シンプルにいえばこんな感じでもきけますよ♪
  • What time is practice today?

  • What time does practice start today?

  • What time is practice starting today?

"What time" asks for the time. You can also say "What time does practice start today?" or "What time is practice starting today?"
"What time 時間を尋ねています。 What time does practice start today?又はWhat time is practice starting today? ということもできます。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What time do we start practice today?

今日はいつ練習始めますか? 主語を[we]にもってきた尋ね方です。 もし相手がその時点で何時から始まるかわからないときは Please update me again. また教えてね!(また報告してね!) と切り返すのもアリです。
  • 1. What time does practice start today?

  • 2. What time does practice kick off?

1. This is a basic question which needs no explanation. 2. 'Kick off' is the start of a ball game where the game commences when someone kicks the ball: for example, football or rugby. However, this term is now widely used when talking about the start of any activity, including non sporting activities. A: What time does the meeting start? B: It kicks off at 2pm.
1. これは説明が必要ない基本的な質問文ですね。 2.「Kick off' 」は、誰かがボールを蹴ってゲームが始まるボールゲームの開始を意味する言葉です。たとえば、サッカーやラグビーなどですね。しかし、この用語は現在、スポーツ以外の活動の開始について話すときにも広く使われています。 A: What time does the meeting start?:何時から会議が始まりますか? B: It kicks off at 2pm.:午後2時に始まります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • At what time should I be ready for practice?

  • What time does practice begin?

  • When does practice start?

At what time should I be ready for practice? This is a formal way to ask for details regarding the times for practice for a specific day. What times does practice begin? This is also a casual way to ask someone to clarify the times in which practice is set to begin. When does practice start? You are asking for details of when practice is scheduled to begin . You could also ask: -When should I make my appearance at practice today? -When must I rock up for practice?(to " rock up" to arrive at a place or even) -When does practice kickoff? -When does practice commence?(formal)
At what time should I be ready for practice?何時に練習のため準備したらいいですか? 特定の日の練習のための時間を聞いている。 What times does practice begin?練習は何時に始まりますあ? 練習が始める細かな時間を聞きたい場合。 When does practice start?練習は何時に始まりますか? 何時に練習はスケジュールされているのか聞きたい場合。 -When should I make my appearance at practice today?今日の練習は何時ごろくるべきですか? -When must I rock up for practice?(to " rock up" to arrive at a place or even)何時までに練習を始めるべきですか? -When does practice kickoff?練習は何時にキックオフですか? -When does practice commence?(formal)何時に練習はスタートするのですか?(フォーマルな表現)
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Around what time does practice start today?

  • At what time does the practice begin?

  • When should I be ready to roll for practice?

"Around what time does practice start today?" With this question you are asking for the approximate time at which practice would start. "At what time does the practice begin?" This question is asking for the time at which the people involved would start practicing. The expression "ready to roll"is an English idiom which means something is going to start soon.
"Around what time does practice start today?"今日は何時ごろ練習が始まりますか? 練習が始まるおよその時間を聞いています "At what time does the practice begin?"何時に練習は始まりますか? 何時に練習が始まるか聞いています。 ready to rollはこれから始まるという意味
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • What is our practice time today?

  • What time shall we start practicing today?

The word 'practice' functions both as a noun and as a verb. In the first question, 'practice' has been used as a noun. It has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it'. So, you may say: What is our practice time today? or What time is our practice going to start today? In the second question, the word 'practice' has been used as a verb in the British spelling and in its present participle tense. It has several meanings, but, in this context, it means to 'regularly perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) in order to become an expert in it. So, you may say: What time shall we start practicing today?
practice' は名詞でも動詞でもあります。 初めの質問では'practice'は名詞として使われています。 いろんな意味がありますがこの場合は理論に対して実行していることです。 このように使えます: (英文) What is our practice time today? or What time is our practice going to start today? (訳) 今日の実践時間は何時? 今日の実践時間は何時から始まるの? 二つ目の質問では 'practice' は動詞として使われています。いろんな意味がありますがこの場合は練習することです。 このように使えます: (英文) What time shall we start practicing today? (訳) 今日は何時から練習始める?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What time does practice start today?

  • What time do I need to be at practice today?

If you would like to ask someone what time practice is that day, you can say something like “what time is practice today?” Or “what time will practice be held today? Any idea?”. This is a simple and straightforward way to ask someone.
その日の練習が何時からか確認したいなら、次のように言えます。 “What time is practice today?”(今日は練習は何時からですか) または “What time will practice be held today? Any idea?”(今日練習が何時からか知っていますか) これはシンプルでストレートな言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • At what time do you start practising today?

  • When does your practice start today?

1. At what time do you start practising today? The preposition "at" is used when you are enquiring/ asking about the time of an event/meeting. "Practising" is a verb and therefore the "letter "s" is included. The "c" in "practice" indicates that the word is a noun, e.g. Hockey practice ended at 6pm. As a verb: How long have you been practising hockey? 2.When does your practice start today? The word "when" also means "at what time."
1. At what time do you start practising today?(今日の練習は何時からですか) イベント/会合の時間について言う場合、前置詞には "at" が使われます。 "practiSing" は動詞です、なので "s" を使います。"practiCe" は名詞です。 例えば: Hockey practice ended at 6pm.(ホッケーの練習は午後6時に終わった) 動詞は: How long have you been practising hockey?(ホッケーはどのくらい習っていますか) 2. When does your practice start today?(今日の練習は何時からですか) "when" も "at what time"(何時)という意味を表します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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