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2017/07/12 21:51
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  • Could you pronounce this word for me? I'll repeat it.

「この単語を私に発音して頂けますか?それを復唱します。」 "Could you 〜?" は「〜して頂けますか?」と、相手に丁寧に依頼する時に使われる表現です。 "pronounce 〜" は「(語や音声を聞こえるように)発声する、声に出す」という意味です。 "for me" は「私のために、私に対して」ということを表します。 "repeat 〜" は「(人の言ったことをまねて)復唱する、おうむ返しに言う」という表現です。 "follow your pronunciation" と言うこともできます。"follow 〜" は「〜をまねる、〜にならう」、"pronunciation" は「発音」という意味になります。
  • Can you say it once so that I can hear how it's pronounced?

  • Can you say it first, and I'll repeat after you.

  • Listen then repeat.

A. Teacher, I don't know how to say this word. B. Oh, this word is new to you? A. Yes, umm... if possible can you say it once so that I can hear how it's pronounced? B. Sure, I'll say it first then you can repeat after me. A. Ok, I will listen then repeat.
例文 A. Teacher, I don't know how to say this word. 先生、この単語の発音が分かりません。 B. Oh, this word is new to you? ああ、この単語は初めてですか? A. Yes, umm... if possible can you say it once so that I can hear how it's pronounced? はい、あの~できればどのように発音するのかを聞きたいので、1度その語を言って頂けますか? B. Sure, I'll say it first then you can repeat after me. もちろです。最初に私が発音してその後で私の後で繰り返して下さい。 A. Ok, I will listen then repeat. 分かりました。聞いてから繰り返します。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Can we practice saying this word a couple of times and use it in a sentence?

  • I want to learn this word better. Can we practice it a little more?

  • Can you repeat this word again and then help me pronounce it better?

Can we practice saying this word a couple of times and use it in a sentence? I want to learn this word better. Can we practice it a little more? Can you repeat this word again and then help me pronounce it better? Can we work on my pronunciation of this word for a few minutes? I would like to practice my pronunciation of this word for a little bit. Is that Oka/ Do you mind if we stop and practice this word a few more times?
Can we practice saying this word a couple of times and use it in a sentence?(この単語の発音を何回か練習してもいいですか、文の中でどう使うのかも知りたいです) I want to learn this word better. Can we practice it a little more?(この単語をもっとよく学びたいです。少し練習してもいいですか) Can you repeat this word again and then help me pronounce it better?(この単語をもう一度言ってもらえますか。私の発音も確認してもらいたいです) Can we work on my pronunciation of this word for a few minutes?(この単語の発音を少し練習したいです) I would like to practice my pronunciation of this word for a little bit. Is that Okay?(この単語の発音を少し練習したいです。いいですか) Do you mind if we stop and practice this word a few more times?(もう少しこの単語を練習したいです)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Can you please pronounce this word then I will repeat it after you.

*Can you please pronounce this word then I will repeat it after you. This means that you want to listen carefully how the teacher pronounces the word and you repeat after the teacher. This is to help you practice how to pronounce the word. Another way to practice pronouncing words is to listen to an audio book and try repeating the words.
例文 *Can you please pronounce this word then I will repeat it after you. 先生の後で繰り返すので、この語を発音して頂けますか? 先生がこの語をどのように発音するかを注意深く聞いて、先生の後で繰り返したいということです。 そうすれば、その語の発音を練習するのに役立ちます。単語の発音を練習する別の方法は、オーディオブックを聞いて、その語を繰り返してみることです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could you pronounce the word, I want to practice saying it

  • Can you say the word first and I'll repeat as I want to pratice my pronounciation

Pronounciation is the way we say/speak words so if you want to say a word then you are 'pronouncing' it. you might ask the teacher to say the word first then you can hear what it sounds like and then repeat it, it might make it easier for you. To practice something means to do something until you are good at it
Pronunciation' は「発音」という意味です。「発音する」は 'To pronounce' といいます。 先生にその単語を発音してもらってから繰り返した方が、どんな音かが分かるので簡単かもしれませんね。 'To practice something' は「うまくなるまで続ける」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Can I repeat this word after you?

  • Can I hear how you pronounce theis word, then I'll try?

During an English lesson., if you wish to ask your teacher if you may practice pronunciation by saying a word after them, then just use one of the sample sentences above.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you repeat the word one more, I want to repeat it.

By using this phrase, your teacher will fully understand that you want the word to be repeated as you haven't heard it properly or you want to improve your pronunciation.
Max W DMM英会話講師
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