"About six or seven years from now, I want to go to some other country and see your show."
この場合では「あと」は「from now」になります。「six or seven years after」はちょっと変です。「later」だったら、今じゃなくて他のときから6、7年あとという意味になります。
>7 years from now I will still go watch your show.
>I will go to your show 7 years from now.
Both sentences are good to be used in the situation and both clearly indicate that you will go to the show after 7 years.
7 years from now I will still go watch your show.
I will go to your show 7 years from now.
「6、7後」は in six or seven years と言えます。
in ◯ or ◯ years で「◯、◯年後」のニュアンスになります。
I want to go see your show in six or seven years.
I hope I can see you again when I go to the States in six or seven years.
I'm going abroad for 6 or 7 years, but if your show's still running when I get back, I'll see it!
I'll see you show in 6 years time!
It's a little difficult to understand the logic of wanting to see a show in 6 or 7 years? Why 6 or 7 years? Why not 15 or 20? And why the delay? Why not see the show soon? In 6 or 7 years most shows have long closed their doors. If a show lasts 6 months it's usually considered to have done very well.
We met first back in 2012 ...however I next ran into my old friend, on Oxford street, about 6 or 7 years later!
6/7 years after the last time. a rather loose estimate of the timeline that has passed...Not meant to be accurate and this merely serves to show "roughly" how long it has been.
例:We met first back in 2012 ...however I next ran into my old friend, on Oxford street, about 6 or 7 years later!
I would like to see your show in a couple of years.
In 6 or 7 years I would like to see your show.
"... a couple of years." A couple is at least 2, therefore you are saying that you would like to see the show in at least 2 years from now.
Or you can be more specific and say "in 6 or 7 years..." you would like to see the show.
It will depend on which is more specific and in what way you would like to say this.
"... a couple of years" (2~3年くらい)
"in 6 or 7 years..." you would like to see the show.