世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/18 16:30
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  • The lecture was cancelled.

本日休講はNo lectures today.になります。 日常会話では、 We have no class today. 「今日は授業がありません」 Our class got cancelled. 「授業がなしになりました」 と言えます。 classは大学でも普通の学校でも使える単語です。lectureは通常大学だけで使う単語です。
  • No lecture/class today

  • Our class got cancelled today.

  • Class Cancellations

Class Cancellations:休講(名詞) No lecture/class today:授業なし(お知らせなどで見かける表記) Our class got cancelled today. 今日は授業が休講になりました。 →会話で説明しているニュアンスです。 参考になれば★Good Luck!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • class cancelled

  • no class

class cancelled due to rain - 雨のため休講 no class due to rain - 雨のため授業中止
DMM Eikaiwa A DMM英会話
  • Class was cancelled due to the weather.

  • Cancelled class.

When a class is cancelled because of poor weather conditions we only have a specific term if it is snowing in which case we would say 'snow day'. If the class is cancelled because of other weather conditions then we would just say 'Class was cancelled due to the weather'.
悪天候が原因でクラスがキャンセルになったことを意味する表現はいくつかあります。 雪が原因の場合は、「snow day」と表現します。 天候が原因でクラスがキャンセルになった場合は、「Class was cancelled due to the weather」と言うことができます。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Class was cancelled today due to bad weather.

  • We were asked to go home today as the weather was crazy!

  • The college suddenly decided to close owing to the terrible weather.

The awful weather lead to the closure of college for the day.
例文 The awful weather lead to the closure of college for the day. 悪天候のため、その日の大学は 休講になった。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • No class today due to inclement weather conditions.

  • Class cancelled due to inclement weather

  • Lecture cancelled

"No class today due to bad weather." "Class or lecture cancelled today due to inclement weather." "There will be no class today due to the weather." "Class has been cancelled due to bad weather."
"No class today due to bad weather." 本日は悪天候のため休講です。 "Class or lecture cancelled today due to inclement weather." クラスまたは講義は悪天候のため本日はキャンセルになりました。 "There will be no class today due to the weather." 天候の関係で本日は休講になるでしょう。 "Class has been cancelled due to bad weather." 悪天候のため休講になりました。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • The class/lecture has been cancelled due to bad weather.

"The class/lecture has been cancelled due to bad weather." Class and Lecture have the same meaning. Due to means because of.
"The class/lecture has been cancelled due to bad weather." クラス/講義は悪天候のため中止されました。" ClassとLectureは同じ意味です。 Due toは、Because ofと同じです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • The lecture has been cancelled due to the weather conditions.

  • Lecture is cancelled

  • There will be no class today.

Example: A: Tomorrow's lecture is cancelled B: Why? A: Due to bad weather conditions
Example: ≪例文≫ A: Tomorrow's lecture is cancelled (明日の講義は休講になった。) B: Why? (なんで?) A: Due to bad weather conditions ( 天気が悪いから。) 
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • class cancelled

If you cancel something that has been arranged, you stop it from happening. ------------ "My class was cancelled due to rain." "Many trains have been cancelled and a limited service is operating on other lines."
もしあなたが何かを"cancel"するという事は、何か予定していたことをキャンセル、中止するという事です。 ------------ "My class was cancelled due to rain." 雨の為にクラスがキャンセルになりました。 "Many trains have been cancelled and a limited service is operating on other lines." 多くの電車がキャンセルして他の線での限られた電車しか動いていません。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • The school is closed

  • School ended early

If the bad weather situation developed overnight and a message was sent to parents that the school would be closed due to the adverse weather conditions, the message would probably be something very simple like: "The school is closed today due to the bad weather. If the class ended because of early school closure, you may just say: "Schol ended early today."
悪天候が夜通し続き、 悪天候のため学校が休校に なるというメッセージが 保護者に送られるのであれば、 メッセージは以下の通り とてもシンプルになります。 例文 "The school is closed today due to the bad weather. 悪天候のため、学校は休校です。 学校が早い時間に休校になり、 授業が早く終わった場合は こう言えます。 例文 "Schol ended early today." 今日は学校は早く終わりました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Class is cancelled.

  • School is closed due to weather.

Growing up in an area where there was a lot of snow we called them "snow days" where school would be cancelled due to all the snow. If school or class was canceled for other weather conditions it's said as "school is closed due to weather".
雪の多い地域で育ったのですが、雪のために学校が休みになることは "snow days"(大雪による休校)と呼ばれていました。 雪以外の天候によって学校、授業が休みになった場合は: "school is closed due to weather" (天候不良のため学校は休み) と言います。
Leesha DMM英会話講師
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