世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/29 22:38
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  • Please advise me how to proceed with this material.

”advise + 人 + how to ~”で、「人に~のしかたを助言する」という用法です。 ”how to”の前に”about”や”on”があることもあります。
Hiroshi Motai アハ!モーメンツ代表   「なるほど!」にこだわる ビジネス英語トレーナー
  • Could you just talk me through this material please

  • Could you just bring me up to speed with this material please?

To talk someone through something = to explain to someone in detail how something should be done, make something easier to understand:explain, define, put across "He talked me through the whole process." To bring someone up to speed = To give necessary information; FILL someone IN, PUT someone IN THE PICTURE : "Well, look, I appreciate your keeping me up to speed." "Johnson's teammates have gone out of their way to help him get up to speed." [fr the need to increase gradually the speed of a machine or phonograph turntable, video recorder, etc, to the proper rate]
To talk someone through something = 何かがどのようになされるべきなのかを詳細に誰かに説明すること、理解しやすくすること。 :explain, define, put acrossなども同意。 "He talked me through the whole process." To bring someone up to speed = 必要な情報を与えること FILL someone IN→誰かに情報を与える PUT someone IN THE PICTURE →誰かに情報を与える 例: "Well, look, I appreciate your keeping me up to speed." ーまあ、必要な情報をくれているのはありがたいです。 "Johnson's teammates have gone out of their way to help him get up to speed." ージョンソンのチームメイトはわざわざ彼に情報を伝えるために努力した。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please explain to me how to use these materials.

  • How do I use these materials?

You can say : "Please explain to me how to use these materials." "How do I use these materials?" Please explain to me how to use the IELTS material. Please explain to me how to use the Daily News.
以下のように言えます : "Please explain to me how to use these materials." ーこれらの教材をどのように使うか教えてください。 "How do I use these materials?" ーどのようにこれらの教材を使ったらいいですか? Please explain to me how to use the IELTS material. ーIELTSの教材をどのように使うか説明してください。 Please explain to me how to use the Daily News. ーデイリーニュースをどのように使うか説明してください。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • How do I use this material?

  • Could you please explain to me how to use this material.

*How do I use this material?- This is a direct question that means you would like to know what you are required to do during the lesson. *Could you please explain to me how to use this material.- There are some materials that the teacher needs to explain to you what you expected to do. For if it is and IELTS lesson. The teacher may need to explain to you how you are expected to answer and the time frame.
*How do I use this material? - これはあなたがレッスン中に要求されていることを知りたいという直接的な質問です。 *Could you please explain to me how to use this material. - 先生があなたに何をして欲しいかについて説明する必要のある教材があります。 もしそれがIELTS lessonである場合などです。 先生はあなたがどのくらいの時間でどう答えるべきなのかを説明するかもしれません。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Please explain how to use this material

  • Can you please tell me how to use this material

  • Can you talk me through this lesson please as it's new to me

If you are not sure of the lesson then you might ask the teacher to 'explain how to use' the materials you can also ask them 'to tell you how to use' the material To talk you through is another way to say explaining it to you by telling you what to do
「教材の使い方を説明してください」という言い方ができます(→例1)。 また、「教材の使い方を教えてください」という言い方もできます(→例2)。 'To talk you through something' は「~を説明する」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How do I proceed with this material? It's the first time I'm doing it.

  • I'm doing this material for the first time, please let me know how to proceed?

It is probable that you will not know how to deal with lesson material that you have not done before. In this case, you definitely have to ask your teacher how to 'proceed', that is, how to begin and move forward with the lesson material. Your teacher will always be obliged to explain to you how to 'proceed' with the new lesson material. So, you may ask: How do I proceed with this material? It's the first time I'm doing it. or I'm doing this material for the first time, please let me know how to proceed?
使ったことのない教材の進め方はおそらく分からないでしょうね。この場合、先生にその教材をどのように "proceed"(進める)のか確認しないといけません。先生は教材の進め方について生徒に対して説明する義務があります。 次のように言えます。 How do I proceed with this material? It's the first time I'm doing it.(この教材はどのように進めますか。これを使うのは初めてなんです) I'm doing this material for the first time, please let me know how to proceed?(この教材は初めて使います、どんな風に進めるのか教えてください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Would you be able to show me how to proceed and use this new material?

  • Can you show me how this works?

"Would you be able to show me how to proceed and use this new material?" this is a very formal and polite way of asking for help, by using 'proceed' you are asking how to go about and carry on with this lesson material. "Can you show me how this works?" this is a very easy, simple and short way of asking if the teacher is able to help and show how this lesson material works.
"Would you be able to show me how to proceed and use this new material?"(新しい教材をどのように進めるのか教えていただけますか) = これはとてもフォーマルで丁寧な言い方です。'proceed' を使って、その教材をどのように進めるのか尋ねています。 "Can you show me how this works?"(これはどのように進めるのか教えてもらえますか) = これは、教材の進め方を尋ねる簡潔でシンプルな言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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