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相手に what do you do again, I forgotと言われた時にからかう意味で忘れん坊みたいな言葉はなんですか?相手が冗談だとわかりやすい、嫌味のない言い方やそれに当てはまる単語を教えてください。
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keri- kusatsukiさん
2017/11/23 06:32
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  • scatterbrain

  • forgetful

  • absentminded

"scatterbrain" "absentminded" - literally translated as "lacking a mind" but it means that you are inattentive. This is not a kind thing to say. "scatterbrain" - literally translated "your brain is scattered" but it means someone who is always forgetting things... usually because they can't focus on many things at once, or they are trying to focus on too many things at once All of these can be mean, just try to add something else to make it light-hearted. I would use "forgetful" because the others are mean, and I would add something like, "You're so forgetful, but I find it endearing." Try to make it into a joke. e.g. "You're so forgetful, it's cute. I think you'd forget the shoes on your feet in the middle of a snowstorm!"
"scatterbrain" (そそっかしい人) "absentminded" -直訳すると 上の空、ぼんやりしている、ですが、怠慢なという様な意味になります。 これはあまり言うようなことではないです。 "scatterbrain" - これは直訳すると考えが散漫などとなりますが、そそっかしい人と言う意味にもなります。 そういう人はたいてい、一度にいろんな事に集中できないか、色々な事に一度に集中しようとしているかですよね。 これらの意味はすべては面白おかしくしようとしています。 私なら他の意味もあるので"forgetful"を使い、 次のように言います。 "You're so forgetful, but I find it endearing." (あなたはホントに忘れっぽいね。でもそこが親しみやすいよ) 冗談ぽく言ってみてください。 【例】 "You're so forgetful, it's cute. I think you'd forget the shoes on your feet in the middle of a snowstorm!" (あなたはホントに忘れっぽいね。可愛いよ。きっと、吹雪の時に靴を履き忘れちゃうんだろうね)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • You'd forget your own head if it wasn't screwed on

  • You've got a memory like a sieve

  • I think you're having a senior moment!

"You'd forget your own head if it wasn't screwed on" - this is an old and jokey expression to say to someone who is forgetful. "You've got a memory like a sieve" - If you have a memory or mind like a sieve, you forget things very easily. "A senior moment" - a temporary mental lapse (humorously attributed to the gradual loss of one's mental faculties as one grows older). "Adults understand the idea of saving electricity, but are subject to occasional senior moments of forgetfulness."
例文 "You'd forget your own head if it wasn't screwed on" あなたは何事も忘れっぽいね。 忘れっぽい人に言う昔からある冗談ぽく言う表現です。 "You've got a memory like a sieve" あなたは忘れっぽいね。 記憶力が like a sieve であるのならば、とても忘れっぽいということです。 "A senior moment" 年寄りの物忘れ 一時的な物忘れ(記憶力が段々悪くなってきていることを冗談ぽく 加齢による物忘れのせいにしています。) 例文 "Adults understand the idea of saving electricity, but are subject to occasional senior moments of forgetfulness." 大人は電気を節約しないといけないことは分かっていますが、 年齢のせいで忘れてしまうことがあります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You're a scatterbrain!

  • You are absent minded today!

  • You'd forget your head if it wasn't attached!

Scatterbrain = Unable to concentrate or focus on one thing. Literally, the brain is scattered Absent minded = Being forgetful and perhaps thinking about something else 'You'd forget your head ...' = A jokey way of saying the same thing ''Honestly, you're such a scatterbrain today. I've told you that already three times. I think you'd forget your head if it wasn't attached to your body!''
Scatterbrain = 注意が散漫な人。文字通りには、脳が散らばっている。 Absent minded = 忘れっぽい、ぼんやりした 'You'd forget your head ...' = 冗談っぽい言い方です。 ''Honestly, you're such a scatterbrain today. I've told you that already three times. I think you'd forget your head if it wasn't attached to your body!'' (今日何かすごくぼんやりしてるよね。もうこれ言うの三回目だよ。首に付いてなかったら頭まで忘れるんじゃないの)
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • Forgetful

Forgetful In the U.S. there is really no other way of callign these type of people. Forgetful is the most common thing to call them and by saying this you are not degrading them in any way is more of a funny, comical way of stating that they forget things often. You can also say "You always forget" but thats more of a sentence rather than what you call a person.
Forgetful(忘れっぽい) アメリカには、こういう人を表す言い方は他にありません。"forgetful"が最も一般的です。これは相手をおとしめるような言葉ではなく、忘れっぽいことをどちらかと言うと面白おかしく表す言い方です。 "You always forget"(いつも忘れるね)と言うこともできますが、これは呼び方というよりも文章です。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Scatter-brain

Someone who is forgetful or clumsy. Oh no Scatter-brain Jane strikes again.
忘れっぽい人やそそっかしい人のことを言います。 例文: Oh no Scatter-brain Jane strikes again. [訳]あら~忘れん坊ジェーンがまたやった
Samm H DMM英会話講師
  • Your a scatterbrain

  • You've got a memory like a sieve!

  • You'd forget your head if it wasn't screwed on

Scatterbrain is the general word you call someone who forgets things meaning there brain is everywher. A way of saying you have a bad memory as a joke is 'You've got a memory like a sieve!' as a sieve has holes and liquids fall through it, don't stay in Another way is 'You'd forgt your head if it wasn't screwed on' meaning you would forget it, if it wasn't joined on
「Scatterbrain」は、忘れ物が多い人を表す一般語です。注意散漫なことを表します。 「You've got a memory like a sieve!(記憶力がザルだよ)」は、忘れっぽい人を冗談っぽく表す言い方です。「sieve(ザル)」には穴が開いていて、液体は流れて、そこにとどまりませんよね。 「You'd forgt your head if it wasn't screwed on」は「くっついていなかったら頭も忘れるだろうね」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I have lost the keys to my brain

  • My brain is like scrambled eggs

  • Memory lapse

Anyone can be forgetful at times, and you can use any of these expressions to say, jokingly, that you forgot something again. 1. "I have lost the keys to my brain." This is a common expression used to describe a situation where you have forgotten something. 2. "My brain is like scrambled eggs." This is an expression that is used to describe a situation where someone has little or no mental ability or concentration. 3. "I have just had another memory lapse." You can use this statement jokingly to indicate that you have forgotten something again.
忘れっぽくなることは誰にでもありますね。これらの表現を使って「物忘れ」を冗談っぽく表すことができます。 1. "I have lost the keys to my brain."(頭の鍵を失くしてしまった) これは、何かを忘れてしまったときによく使われる表現です。 2. "My brain is like scrambled eggs."(頭の中がスクランブルエッグみたい) これは、頭が働かないときに使われる表現です。 3. "I have just had another memory lapse."(また物忘れをしてしまった) これは、また物忘れをしてしまったことを冗談っぽく伝えたいときに使えます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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