世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/25 12:54
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  • I'd like to practice my pronunciation

  • I'd like to work on/my pronunciation

違うスペルなのに同じ発音やその逆もあってややこしいですよね 気張らずがんばってください
  • Could you correct my pronunciation?

英語のレッスン時に、先生にお願いするという前提での例文です。 correctは修正する、正す、という動詞。 なので、「私の発音を正してくれませんか」となります。 実際に先生に発音指導してもらいたい場合は、これを言うといいと思います。 あとは、I want to fix my pronunciation.(発音を矯正したい)という言い方もあります。 fixは治す、正す、という意味の動詞で、会話ではよく使われますよ。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • I would like to practice/improve my pronunciation.

  • Can we work on pronunciation today?

I would like to practice/improve my pronunciation. (少し丁寧な感じで)発音の練習をしたいです/発音を改善したいです。 Can we work on pronunciation today? 今日は発音の練習をしても良いですか?
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I want to practice my English pronunciation.

  • Can we do pronunciation practice?

単純に、~したいと言いたい場合、 I want to ~ですよね。 発音=pronunciation (English pronunciation) 練習する=practice practiceは名詞で練習という意味もあります。 ですのでdo practice という形でも使います。 Can we do pronunciation practice?というと発音の練習もできませんか?という 意味になります。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • I would like to work on my pronunciation today. Can you help me please?

  • Do you think that in our lesson today I can practice my pronunciation?

  • I want to develop my pronunciation skills better. Can you help me?

Pronunciation is a key component to speaking a language with ease and exactness. If you want your teacher to help you to pronounce words better, kindly ask the following: I would like to work on my pronunciation today. Can you help me please? Do you think that in our lesson today I can practice my pronunciation? I want to develop my pronunciation skills better. Can you help me? Ask your teacher to repeat some words for you and you can listen and repeat.
例:I would like to work on my pronunciation today. Can you help me please? 「今日は発音の勉強がしたいです。手助けしてもらえますか?」 例:Do you think that in our lesson today I can practice my pronunciation? 「今日のレッスンで発音の練習をしてもいいかな?」 例:I want to develop my pronunciation skills better. Can you help me? 「発音を良くしたいんです。教えてくれますか?」 どの言語でも発音は会話の正確さと理解しやすさにおいてとても重要です。
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to work on my pronunciation today.

  • Could you please pay attention to my pronunciation today. I would like to improve in that.

*I would like to work on my pronunciation today. This means that this is what you would like to concentrate on in that lesson. The teacher can also suggest lesson materials that you can to help you with your pronunciation. *Could you please pay attention to my pronunciation today. I would like to improve in that. If you would like someone to pay attention to something it means that you would like the teacher to listen carefully to how you pronounce words so that they can help you.
*I would like to work on my pronunciation today. (今日は、発音の練習をしたいです) これは、そのレッスンは集中して発音の練習をしたいと言う意味です。 講師はそれに対してあなたが発音の練習に取り組めるような教材を勧めてくれるでしょう。 *Could you please pay attention to my pronunciation today. I would like to improve in that. (今日は私の発音に注意してくれますか?発音をよくしたいんです) この場合"pay attention"してほしいとは、改善するために、あなたの発音を注意深く聞いてほしいという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • pronunciation

  • intonation, elocution, enunciation

To Enunciate your word is to say them clearly each syllable at a time. To practice your pronunciation is to practise how each word is said correctly. You could ask (casually) "can you help me say this word" more formally might be "please help me pronounce this word". or "i need to practise my elocution". or "please help me to enunciate my words correctly".
enunciate(言葉を正確に発音する)ということは、各シラブルを明瞭に言うことです。 発音を練習することは各語をどのように正確に発音するかを練習するということです。 こう言うことが出来ます。(カジュアルな言い方) 例文 "can you help me say this word" 私がこの語を発音するのを手伝って頂けますか? もっとフォーマルに言うのであれば 例文 "please help me pronounce this word". この語を発音するのを手伝って下さい。 又は "I need to practise my elocution". 演説法を練習する必要があります。又は "please help me to enunciate my words correctly". 言葉を正確に発音するのを手伝って下さい。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to practice my pronunciation today,please.

  • I would like to practice saying the words with you.

  • Would we be able to work on my pronunciation today?

Pronunciation - This the way in which your words are said/formed. Pronunciation is key in making the other person understand you. Above, I have given you 3 ways in which you could request from your teacher to practice your pronunciation. 1 and 2: "I would like to practice my pronunciation today,please." and "I would like to practice saying the words with you." - These are examples of how you could answer your teacher at the beginning of the lesson if they ask "what would you like to focus on today." You will note that these are not questions. 3:Would we be able to work on my pronunciation today?- This sentence is a question and should be used when the teacher asks if you have any questions. All 3 sentences are very polite. I hope this helps!
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • There are several ways of expressing this:

  • I would like to practice how to say this word / phrase correctly.

  • I want to learn how to pronounce this word / phrase. I want to use this word / phrase so that I know how to pronounce it

To "practice" in this context means to repeat a word or phrase over an over again with the purpose of being able to pronounce it correctly. This can be either by saying the word or phase repeatedly or by using it in a sentence.
Ian Cameron DMM英会話講師
  • I want to practice my pronunciation today.

  • I want to focus on my pronunciation today.

  • Can we work on my pronunciation today.

Within these three different examples, we can either use the verbs, "to practice," "to focus," or, "to work on," interchangeably when talking about studying/practicing correct pronunciation.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to practice my pronunciation.

  • I'd like to focus on my pronunciation.

When you want to tell the teacher that you just want to focus on your pronunciation, you can use any of the above two sentences to do so. Examples; - Teacher, i'd like to focus on just my pronunciation today. - I'd like to practice my pronunciation.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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