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夏祭りで行われる盆踊り(盆おどり)。 みんなでやぐらの周りを輪になって踊ります。
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2018/07/06 12:32
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  • Bon Dance

  • Bon Odori

お盆は日本独自のものなので、「盆踊り」は、盆はそのまま”bon”で、踊りは”dance”で、”Bon dance”/“Bon Odori”です。 “Bon odori dancers sometimes feel as if they are dancing together with their ancestors. “ 「盆踊りを踊る人達は、時にまるで先祖と一緒に踊っているかのように感じる。」 お盆 “Obon season” お盆休み ”Bon holiday” 夏祭り “Summer festival”
  • Bon Odori Dance

  • Traditional Japanese dance

Probably best to refer to this dance as just, 'Bon Odori dance'. You could further explain that it is a traditional Japanese dance where people may imagine they are dancing with their ancesters.
この踊りは”Bon Odori dance”と呼ぶことがおそらく最適です。 さらに説明を加えて、盆踊りは人々がご先祖様と一緒に踊っているところを想像させるような日本の伝統的な踊りであるとも言えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • traditional Japanese dance

  • bon odori

Bon odori is not commonly known in Western culture so there is not a translation for it in English. But you can explain in English as a traditional Japanese style of dance during the festival of Obon. It can classified as a traditional Japanese folk dance.
盆踊りは西洋ではあまり知られていないので、これに相当する英語はありません。 ただ、説明することはできます。例えば: a traditional Japanese style of dance during the festival of Obon (お盆に踊る日本の伝統的な踊り) 盆踊りは、a traditional Japanese folk dance(日本の伝統的なフォークダンス)に分類できます。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Bon Dance

  • Bon Odori

Since 'Bon Odori' is a Japanese tradition, we do not have an English phrase but the word ODORI translates to DANCE, so you could call it the 'Bon Dance' You could describe the 'Bon Dance' as a traditional dance in Japan that is done during Don festivals. Bon Odori is used to honour our ancestors. I hope this helps!
'Bon Odori'(盆踊り)は日本の伝統なので、英語の言葉はありません。ただ、踊りは英語ではdanceとなので、'Bon Dance'と言うことはできるでしょう。 盆踊りのことは、以下のように説明できます。 'a traditional dance in Japan that is done during Don festivals' (お盆の時期に踊る日本の伝統的な踊り) 'Bon Odori is used to honour our ancestors.' (盆踊りには先祖を敬う意味があります) お役に立てると幸いです!
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • Bon odori dance

  • Tradition japanese dance

Obon or sometimes it is referred to as just `bon' is the festival when the Japanese dance ( called the bon odori) is performed and it is believed they dance with their ancestors
「obon」(または単に「bon」)は日本の踊り(盆踊り=bon odori)が披露されるお祭りで、祖先と一緒に踊ると信じられています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Bon Odori Dance

  • A unique dance from Japan

  • A famous Japanese traditional dance

It is better to refer to this dance as the Bon Odori dance. A famous dance originally from Japan found in certain festivals. Some say when they dance, they are in the presence of their ancestors
この踊りはBon Odori danceと言った方が良いです。 日本発祥の有名な踊りで、お祭りで見ることが出来ます(=A famous dance originally from Japan found in certain festivals)。 「盆踊りを踊る時は、御先祖の前にいる」と言う人もいます(=Some say when they dance, they are in the presence of their ancestors)。
Lewis M English teacher
  • Bon Odori Dance

  • Festival of our Ancestors

  • Traditional Japanese Celebration

There is no English translation for Bon Odori. If you were to explain this traditional dance to someone you would explain that it is a dance to celebrate a families ancestors. You could also add that it has now become a festival where many people return to their families or traditional homes The only thing similar in Australia to this festival would be Halloween, which is held at the end of October, which is traditionally from Mexico and then the United States. It has become more of a celebration of sweets than the spirits of those that have passed away (died).
盆踊りの英語の直訳はありません。盆踊りは先祖を敬うための伝統的な踊りだ、と説明すると良いでしょう。それから、盆踊りの季節には、大勢の人が実家に帰省することを補足としても説明しても良いと思います。 オーストラリアで盆踊りに一番似ている祝い事は、10月末に行われるハロウィンくらいですね。ハロウィンは元々メキシコに由来し、メキシコからアメリカへ渡ったと言われています。近年では、先祖の霊を祭るよりも、甘いお菓子をもらうイベントに変わりました。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Traditional Japanese dance

  • Bon odori dance

When you want to explain that a certain traditional dance that is known among Japanese people; then you can use the following terms: -Traditional Japanese dance -Bon odori dance Remember, it would also be helpful if you explain the history and significance of the dance.
日本人の間で有名な伝統的な踊りについて説明したいなら、次の表現が使えます: -Traditional Japanese dance(日本の伝統的な踊り) -Bon odori dance(盆踊り) その踊りの意義や歴史について説明してもいいと思います。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Bon odori dance

The Japanese "bon odori" should be referred to simply as the bon odori dance.
日本の盆踊りはシンプルに "bon odori dance" と言えます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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