I find it hard to only say the consonant, and not the vowel with it.
I have trouble only pronouncing the consonant and without the vowel
I keep adding a vowel at the end when I try to say “D”.
Consonant = 子音
Vowel = 母音
Pronounce = 発音する
At the end = 終わりに
Without = 無しで
“I find it hard to...”
“I have trouble ___ing...”
Eg 1: “ I find it hard to only pronounce the consonant.”
Eg 2: “I have trouble only pronouncing the consonant
= 子音だけ発音するのが難しい
“I keep ___ing...” = 「いつも〇〇しちゃう」というニュアンスを持ったフレーズです。
“I keep pronouncing the vowel with the consonant” = 子音と一緒に母音を発音しちゃう
尚、 “I keep adding a vowel at the end when I try to say “D”. ” = 「Dを言う時にいつも母音が付いちゃう」