Overweight は一つの単語です。
"I regularly kept fit but even then I used to be overweight temporarily" など
Once は 一時 ですがどちらかというとこちらの単語がよく使われます。
Normally I keep myself in pretty good shape but I got pretty heavy at one point.
I usually maintain a healthy weight but there was a time when I put on a few pounds.
Normally I keep myself in pretty good shape but I got pretty heavy at one point.
keep oneself in good shape は「oneself を良い状態に保つ」となり、ここでは体重のことを話しているので、「体型を維持する」というニュアンスで使えます。
at one point 「ある時期」
I got heavy 「太った」
I usually maintain a healthy weight but there was a time when I put on a few pounds.
maintain a healthy weight で「健康的な体重を維持する」
I put on a few pounds で「数ポンド太った」=「ちょっと太った」