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"A row of trees" and "line of trees"の違いを教えてください
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2018/08/26 14:48
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  • row of trees

  • line of trees

Both ways are correct! Because I am a language nerd, I put both of these phrases into some online tools which show how often they are used in books. Before 1900, "row of trees" was used much more frequently than "line of trees". Then, for about 50 years, "row of trees" and "line of trees" were used with equal frequency. Now, "line of trees" is a little more popular. But you could use either one, and everyone would understand you perfectly!
両方とも正しいです!私は言語オタクなので、本の中でどのぐらいの頻度で使われるのか、両方のフレーズをいくつかのオンラインツールに入力しました。 1900年より前は、row of treesは、line of treesよりはるかに頻繁に使われてました。そして、約50年間、row of treesと、line of treesは同じ頻度で使われます。現在は、line of treesの方が少し一般的です。ただ、どちらも使えますし、皆、完璧に理解してくれるでしょう!
David McA DMM英会話講師
  • Line of trees

  • Row of trees

Both of these answers have the same meaning. Usually lines/rows of trees are planted and not naturally occurring.
両方とも同じ意味です。通常「line/row of trees」は植えられたもので、自然に生えたものではありません。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • line of trees

  • row or threes

Both of these phrases are correct and mean the same thing. The word line and row basically mean the same thing.
上記のどちらのフレーズも正しいですし、同じ意味です。 "line" と "row"は基本的に同じ意味になります。(列)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • a row

The phrase "a row" refers to a horizontal line of something. Therefore, "line" and "row" means the same thing. I hope that this helps! :)
"a row" は、水平に並んだものを表します。ですから "line" と"row"は同じ意味です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Row of trees

  • Line of trees

A row or line means exactly the same thing so either of these phrases would be fine to use you could say 'I saw a row of trees by the road' or 'I saw a line of trees by the road'
row' と 'line' は全く同じ意味です。ですから、これらどちらのフレーズも使うことができます。 'I saw a row of trees by the road'(道のそばに並木道がありました) もしくは、 'I saw a line of trees by the road'(道のそばに並木道がありました) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The trees were in a row.

  • The trees were in a line.

  • Landscaping

There is very little difference between these to ideas. The biggest is that a "line" can be described as a geometrical term for any two points that are connected. While a row is only objects or nouns. The trees are in a row. Here is a row of eggs. There is a line between point A and point B.
この二つの間にほとんど違いはありません。最も大きな違いは、"line" はあらゆる線を表す幾何学用語と言えます。 "row" は単に連なった物を表します。 The trees are in a row.(並木道になっています) Here is a row of eggs.(これは卵の列です) There is a line between point A and point B.(A点とB点の間には線が引いてあります)
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • Soldiers standing in a row.

  • I think a row of rose bushes would be nice here.

  • Run a straight line.

There is no real difference between these ideas. Either one expresses the idea of trees in a straight line in a garden or as part of some landscaping. Generally, I would use "row" instead of "line" when talking about things in a straight line. For example "row of bushes" or "soldiers marching in a row". Both of these express the idea of things in a straight line. I would use the word line when describing a course such as "run a straight line" or "the plane flew in a straight line".
この二つには違いという違いはありません。どちらも、公園などに真っすぐに植えられた木々をいいます。 真っすぐに並んだ物を言う場合、私はたいてい "line" でなく "row" を使います。 例えば: "row of bushes"(低木の列) "soldiers marching in a row"(一列に行進する兵士) これらはどちらもそれが真っすぐに並んでいることを表します。 "line" はコースを表すときに使っています。 例えば: "run a straight line"(真っすぐ走る) "the plane flew in a straight line"(飛行機は真っすぐ飛んだ)
Peter E DMM英会話講師
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