Salmon live off the North Atlantic Coast of Europe and North America. Although they live in the sea they love to use freshwater to lay their eggs. It is also known for its edible pink flesh and it is a source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
Onigiri= rice balls
Balls of rice that may be formed into shapes or faces, etc.
This fish is called a "salmon". Remember that the "L"is silent when you pronounce the word.
You may use the word in the following ways:
-I like little cuts of salmon in my salad.
-Salmon is very expensive but I really like the taste of it, especially when it is smoked.
この魚は "salmon" といいます。"salmon" の "L" は発音しないのでご注意ください。
-I like little cuts of salmon in my salad.
-Salmon is very expensive but I really like the taste of it, especially when it is smoked.
This fish is salmon.
Onigiri - rice ball
This is a rice ball with salmon in it.
I love salmon in my rice balls.
I prefer 7/11 salmon rice balls to the salmon rice balls at Family Mart.
この魚は "salmon" といいます。
おにぎり - rice ball
This is a rice ball with salmon in it.(これはサケのおにぎりです)
I love salmon in my rice balls.(サケのおにぎりが大好きです)
I prefer 7/11 salmon rice balls to the salmon rice balls at Family Mart.(ファミリーマートのサケのおにぎりよりもセブンイレブンのサケのおにぎりの方が好き)
In English this type of fish is called "salmon".
If I were to order this at a restaurant, I would say: "I'd like to order some salmon onigiri."
Onigiri are commonly referred to as "rice balls", so I might also say something like this: "Could I have two salmon rice balls please?"
Reading your question has made me crave salmon onigiri. :)
I hope this helps! :)
英語ではこの魚は "salmon"(シャケ)と呼ばれます。
もしこれをレストランで注文するなら、"I'd like to order some salmon onigiri."(シャケのおにぎりをください)と言えます。
「おにぎり」は一般的に "rice balls" と呼ばれるので、"Could I have two salmon rice balls please?"(シャケのおにぎりを二ついただけますか)と言うこともできます。
あなたの話を聞いて、私もシャケのおにぎりが食べたくなりました :)
Salmon ( sah mon ) is the type of fish that we can see in the picture. Pay attention to the fact that the "L," sound in the word is silent.
As for the word, "onigiri," in some regards this might be the same word that we use in English because it is a Japanese dish. However if we did have a name for it, it would probably be called, "rice ball."
Example sentences :
- I would like my rice ball with salmon please.
- I would like Salmon in my rice ball please.
この写真の魚は "Salmon"(発音=sah mon)です。
発音についていうと、"Salmon" の "L" の音はサイレントです、発音されません。ご注意ください。
おにぎりについては、これは日本の料理なので、あるいはそのまま "onigiri" と言えるかもしれません。
もし英語に訳すなら、"rice ball" となるでしょう。
- I would like my rice ball with salmon please.
- I would like Salmon in my rice ball please.
「しゃけ」は英語で salmon と言います。
「しゃけのおにぎり」なら salmon rice ball と言えます。
I love rice balls with salmon in them.