世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/10/09 21:48
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  • arrow

弓矢の「矢」は英語で「arrow」といいます。 「arrow」は「矢」という意味の名詞です。「アロウ」と発音します。 弓矢の「弓」のことは「bow」といいます。「ボウ」と発音します。 【例】 I got shot with an arrow. →矢で打たれた。 There's an arrow in your butt! →あなたのお尻に矢が刺さっているよ! ご質問ありがとうございました。
  • arrow

「矢」のことは arrow と言います。 ちなみに「弓」のことは bow と言います。 It's sad to see a bird that has been shot with an arrow. 「矢で打たれた鳥を見るのは可哀想です。」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • An arrow

  • Arrows

Arrows are projectiles which are fired from bows. They may well prove fatal if they hit a vital organ or burst a blood vessel. Arrows are usually kept together in 'a quiver' before firing. "Robin Hood took an arrow from his quiver and aimed his bow at the sheriff."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • arrow

こんにちは。 「矢」は「arrow」といいます。 弓とセットで使われることが多いと思いますが、弓は英語で「bow」といいます。 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • arrow

矢は英語で arrow と言います。 「矢が刺さった鳥が公園にいた」と言いたいなら There was a bird with an arrow stuck in it in the park と言えます。○○ が刺さったは ○○ stuck in と言います。 地図などに載っている矢印も arrow と言います。 例) 場所を示している矢印が載っている There's an arrow pointing to the location on the map ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Arrow

  • Bow and arrow

The long wooden sticks that Robin Hood used to use are called arrows, and what he used to make them fly is called a bow. Have you ever tried to fire a bow and arrow (archery)? Try one out, and see how you get on. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • arrow

  • spear

The weapon shown is an arrow, if shot from a bow. They are smaller and lighter but are shot out at a higher velocity than if the weapon were to be thrown. The point of the arrow, made of flint or of metal, is known as an arrowhead. The heavier version of that weapon is not shot from a bow but is thrown by a man yielding the weapon. In that case, the weapon is called a spear, and the point of the spear, the spearhead.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • Arrow

An arrow is an long, slim piece of wood, (shaft) that is sharpened at the tip, arrows usually have vanes or feathers at the back of them. Arrows are shot with a bow. They are used to hunt, they are also used for the sport of archery. In ancient times arrows were used as weapons during battles/wars.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Arrow

  • Bow

An, "arrow," is a thin piece of circular wood that has a sharp stone (or other material) triangle attached on one end with certain feathers attached to the other. The tool that we use to fire/shoot arrows is called a, "bow."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Arrow

Examples; - I got hit with an arrow. - My hobbies include shooting with a bow and an arrow. - An arrow is dangerous. - If you get shot with an arrow it will most likely hurt a lot.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Arrow.

If you are wondering what an "Arrow" is, it is most easily explained as a form of a weapon consisting of a very thin, and straight stick with a sharp point at the tip of it, mostly they are designed to be shot from a bow. Most arrows come as a set and people call it a "bow and arrow set".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Arrow

An arrow can be used as a weapon. It is made up of a long, slim stick called a shaft with a very thin, sharp point that can be shot from a bow. Example sentence: 1. The army protected themsleves by using their bows to shoot arrows in the air. 2. He hunted deer in the forest with a bow and some arrows.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • arrow

こんにちは。 「矢」は英語で arrow と言います。 「弓矢」は英語で bow and arrow です。 【例】 The bird was shot with an arrow. 「その鳥は矢で打たれた」 It's sad to hear about the bird that was shot with an arrow. 「矢で打たれてしまった鳥の話を聞くのは悲しい」 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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