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2018/10/31 12:36
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  • Ruins

  • Derelict building

僕も廃墟へ行くのが大好きです。 UNESCOなどの廃墟は「Ruins」と言いますが、おそらく質問者様が言う廃墟は、使用されていない工場やスタジアムなどのことだと思います。これらを「Derelict building」と呼びます。 「Derelict 」の意味は、使用されなくなった為に「廃れた」ことです。 他にも、「Dilapidated building」と言うのもありますが、こちらはかなりひどい状態の建物ですね。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • abandoned building

「廃墟」を調べると、「ruins」と言う単語が出てくる時もありますが、「ruins」を「遺跡」という意味で、普通のビルの廃墟の場合は「abandoned building」と言います。 abandoned = 放棄された building = 建物 例: I'm going to check out that abandoned building and take some photos. あの廃墟を見に行って写真をいくつか撮ってきます。
  • Abandoned hause

  • ruins

A house that is known or perceived to have to have been inhabited by ghosts is called a haunted house.Ruins on the other hand, are parts of a building or a house which once was in one piece but was destroyed as time went by for being abandoned for a while.
幽霊のいるような廃墟のことをa haunted houseと言います。一方、Ruinsは、廃墟となって壊れてきているような建物や家のことを指します。
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • The building is in ruins and it also looks haunted.

  • The building is dilapidated.

  • The building is broken-down and neglected.

The word 'ruins' is a noun that means the remains of a damaged structure. The adjective 'haunted' is an adjective that describes a space that is occupied by ghosts. The adjectives 'dilapidated', 'broken-down' and 'neglected' mean that the building was not being taken care of and has been damaged because of this.
ruins' は「建物の荒れ果てた跡」という意味の名詞です。 'haunted' は「幽霊の出る」という意味の形容詞です。 'dilapidated' 'broken-down' そして 'neglected' は「〔建物が〕放置され荒れ果てた」という意味の形容詞です。
Onica DMM英会話講師
  • Ruins

  • Haunted ruins

  • Derelict buildings

Ruins and buildings that have fallen into disrepair and have become dilapidated are found in all countries where properties have been neglected and left to the elements of man and nature. Ruins can be just a few years old or centuries old. The older ruins can be very interesting and teach us about how people lived in the past.
廃墟は、全ての国で、そのまま放置されています。 Ruins(廃墟)は、数年のものから、何世紀もの古いものもあります。古い廃墟は、おもしろいもので、過去に人がどのように住んでいたかを教えてくれます。
Leren DMM英会話講師
  • abandoned building

  • ghost town

If you are exploring a single building that is no longer used by humans then it is called an abandoned building. For example: It isn't safe to enter that old abandoned building. No one has gone into that abandoned building for twenty years. If there is a group of abandoned buildings and houses then we call it a ghost town. For example: We should visit that ghost town and see if it's haunted. I hope that this helps. :)
使われなくなって放置された建物が一つあるなら、これは "an abandoned building" といいます。 例: It isn't safe to enter that old abandoned building.(あの廃虚に入るのは危険だ) No one has gone into that abandoned building for twenty years.(あの廃虚にはもう20年誰も入ったことがない) 使われなくなって放置された住宅や建物が集まった地域のことは "a ghost town" と呼ばれます。 例: We should visit that ghost town and see if it's haunted.(あのゴーストタウンに行って、幽霊が出るかどうか確かめよう) 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • A ruin

  • An abandoned building

A ruin' is a building which has been empty for some time and is showing advanced signs of deterioration, frequently without a roof and with supporting masonry missing or severely damaged. In the earlier stages, the building may simply be 'abandoned' and in better condition. "We climbed over the security fencing to explore the abandoned hospital. It was pretty scary!"
A ruin' は、しばらく使われないまま放置され、「荒れ果てた建物」をいいます。しばしば、屋根や石壁が崩れ落ちたものを指します。 'abandoned' は、より状態の良い建物を指します。 "We climbed over the security fencing to explore the abandoned hospital. It was pretty scary!" (私たちは安全柵をよじ登って廃墟の病院を探検しました。かなり怖かったです)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A derelict building

  • A haunted house

  • A ruin

A derelict building has lay unused for years and often is overgrown with foliage. A haunted house is believed to be home for a spirit that hasn't yet passed to the afterlife. A ruin is more commonly used for the remains of old buildings most commonly from centuries ago.
A derelict building' は、何年も使われていない(しばしばツタに覆われた)建物をいいます。 'A haunted house' は幽霊の取りついた家をいいます。 'A ruin' は何百年前の「遺跡」を指すことが多いです。
Derek Nl DMM英会話講師
  • abandoned (adj)

  • haunted (adj)

  • The abandoned house is haunted.

EX) The abandoned house is haunted. 'Abandoned' describes something that was once used/inhabited, but now is not used or inhabited. 'Haunted' describes something that has ghosts living around it. In the above sentence, the house is first described as no longer used/inhabited (abandoned). Then the house is described as having ghosts 'living' in it (haunted). More EX sentences: - After the war, the army abandoned the buildings and, still, nobody lives there. - The cemetery is haunted.
例)The abandoned house is haunted.(その廃屋は幽霊が取りついている) 'Abandoned' は「今はもう使われていない[人が住んでいない]」という意味です。 'Haunted' は「幽霊の取りついた」という意味です。 上の文では、まず「その家が廃屋であること(abandoned)」、 それから「その家に霊が取りついていること(haunted)」 を伝えています。 例文: - After the war, the army abandoned the buildings and, still, nobody lives there.(戦後、陸軍が出てからは、あそこには誰も住んでいない) - The cemetery is haunted.(あの墓地には幽霊が出る)
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Poltergeist house.

  • Haunted house.

  • Ghost house.

A house that has some kind of spiritual activity that might scare some people can be called by the names above. In movies haunted houses are usually portrayed as buildings where spirits exist, these spirits are usually malevolent. Malevolent: having or showing a wish to do evil to others Poltergeist: a supernatural being that is responsible for loud noises and throwing objects about. "Have you heard about that haunted house? They say horrible things happen in there after midnight." "Malevolent spirits can be very dangerous." "There is a poltergeist present in that abandoned house, just be careful."
「幽霊に取りつかれた家」は、上記のフレーズで表すことができます。映画では、たいてい幽霊屋敷(haunted house)は邪悪な霊に取りつかれています。 Malevolent: 悪意のある/邪悪な Poltergeist: 大きな音を出したり物を投げたりする幽霊 "Have you heard about that haunted house? They say horrible things happen in there after midnight."(あの幽霊屋敷のこと聞いた?夜中にいろいろ起こるらしいよ) "Malevolent spirits can be very dangerous."(悪霊はとても危険です) "There is a poltergeist present in that abandoned house, just be careful."(あの廃虚はポルターガイストが出るから、気をつけて)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Ruins

  • old abandoned building

  • neglected buildings

A 'ruin' can be found all over the world and is an old abandoned building that has deteriorated. Some ruins can be very famous and well known worldwide and people will go to visit. Some people will stereotype old buildings as being haunted as its old and might have been where people have died and their ghosts remain. - 'I am afraid to go to the ruin that is down the road, I think it is haunted.'
ruin' は古い廃虚をいいます。これは世界中いろいろな所にあります。世界中から観光客が訪れる有名なものもあります。 「古い建物にはそこで亡くなった人の幽霊が取りついている」という考えの人もいます。 - 'I am afraid to go to the ruin that is down the road, I think it is haunted.' (この先にある廃虚には行きたくない。きっと幽霊が取りついていると思う)
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
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