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2018/12/17 10:39
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  • sleeping pills

「睡眠薬」は、Sleeping pills が一番使われてる言葉だと思います。 例文 睡眠薬を処方してください。 Please prescribe sleeping pills. Prescribe が「処方」です。
  • Sleeping pills

  • Anti-insomnia medication

一番ナチュラルな言葉が「sleeping pills」ですけど、「anti-insomnia medication」とも言えます。「Insomnia」が「不眠症」という意味です。 海外で睡眠薬を処方してあげたいなら、「can you please prescribe me some sleeping pills」と行った方がいいです。「処方する」が「to prescribe」になります。因みに「処方箋」が「a prescription」です。
  • sleeping pills

  • sleep medication

これは一つの言い方は sleep medication です。例えば「私は睡眠薬を飲んでいます」は I'm on sleep medication と言えます。 Sleep medication より sleeping pills (睡眠錠剤)という呼び方の方をよく聞きます。この場合、「私は睡眠薬を飲んでいます」は I take sleeping pills になります。 ちなみに、日本語で睡眠薬と睡眠導入剤が分かれていますが、英語では両方とも sleeping pills と言います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Something to help you sleep

  • Sleeping potion

  • Sleeping pills

'Something to help you sleep' is a vague euphemism which may mean 'taking a sleeping pill or other sleep-enhancing concoction'. 'Sleeping potion' seems to be more of the kind of phrase you would hear in a fairy tale or children's story. "She took some sleeping pills so you won't be able to speak to her until the morning."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Something to help you sleep

  • Sleeping potion

  • Sleeping pills

'Something to help you sleep' is a vague euphemism which may mean 'taking a sleeping pill or other sleep-enhancing concoction'. 'Sleeping potion' seems to be more of the kind of phrase you would hear in a fairy tale or children's story. "She took some sleeping pills so you won't be able to speak to her until the morning."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Sleeping pills.

Sleeping pills are used for people who suffer from insomnia, (where they find it difficult to sleep at night), this medication helps them feel sleepy, in order for them to achieve a good nights sleep.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Sleeping pills.

  • Sleep medication.

The medicine that makes you sleepy, when you want to be sleepy are called sleeping pills or medication. Although, some medicines make you sleepy without wanting them to, and they would be drowsy, or they make you feel drowsy anyway. Try one out, and see how you get on. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Sleeping pills

  • Sleep meds

Sleeping pills or sleep meds which is the casual term used to describe sleep medication is normally prescribed to patients who suffer from insomnia (sleeplessness). Other meds which make you sleepy are medications that contain an ingredient which causes drowsiness. This is a side effect of some meds, especially antihistamines and is not necessarily used for insomnia per se. Example sentence: My doctor upped my sleeping meds because I was still struggling to sleep at night. "Upped" means increased.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • sleeping pills

こんにちは。                  「sleeping pills」が一般的な「睡眠薬」の呼び方かなと思います。              処方するは「prescribe」といいます。「prescription」が「処方箋」です。 参考になれば嬉しいです。                   
  • This medicine will make you drowsy

  • This will have a tranquilizing effect.

Both of these sentences are an effective way to convey that the person will become tired and sleepy after taking this type of medication. Drowsy carries the idea of heavy eyelids, and to be tranquilized means to be made calm and less active, which is the precursor to falling asleep.
Steve Tr DMM英会話講師
  • Knock-out pills

In informal speech the term knock out pills can be applied to any drug that causes you to sleep heavily. You may see stories in the news about women who have been given sleeping tablets or date rape pills that have knocked them unconscious/into a very heavy sleep.
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Sleeping pills

In the United States, said medication that is taken to help you sleep are called sleeping pills. They are pretty powerful, so mixing them with other medications or drinks with alcohol is not advisable. They are sometimes prescribed to cure insomnia, a disorder where you can't sleep (in - not and somnia - sleep)
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • sleeping pills

  • Ambien

Sleeping pills is the most general term for this. example: I was having trouble sleeping, so my doctor gave me sleeping pills. A very specific, but popular sleeping pill is Ambien. Ambien is commonly known, and is even featured in Jay-Z's song "Empire State of Mind", in the following line: "The city never sleeps, better slip you a Ambien." New York City is often called "the city that never sleeps", so this line is referring to that description, and noting that Ambien could help or make you sleep.
Austin G DMM英会話講師
  • Sleeping pills/medication

The most commonly used definition would be, "sleeping medication," however if they are not a liquid but rather in a pressed pill form when we can call them, "sleeping pills." Example sentences : - I can't sleep, do you have any sleeping medication? - I took sleeping pills but I still can't sleep!
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Sleeping pills

A lot of people suffer from insomnia. This can make you crazy and leave you feeling very depressed and very weak. Example; - The doctor prescribed some sleeping pills for me. - Try not to drink it every night, you can easily become addicted to sleeping pills.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • sleeping pills

「sleeping pills」と表すことができます。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください: Sometimes I take sleeping pills because I can't sleep. 私は眠れないことがあるので、睡眠薬を飲むことがあります。 Have you ever taken a sleeping pill before? あなたは睡眠薬を飲んだことはありますか?
  • sleeping pills

「睡眠薬」は英語ではsleeping pillsと言います(*^_^*) 例) I can't sleep without sleeping pills. 「睡眠薬がないと眠れません」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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