「謝辞」は thanks や gratitude と言え、
express one's thanks
offer one's gratitude
I would like to express our thanks on behalf of our country.
謝辞を述べる ー To express gratitude
同僚を代表して謝辞を述べます。 ー I would like to express our thanks on behalf of my colleagues.
お招きを受けた者一同に代わって謝辞を述べさせていただきます ー I would like to express gratitude on behalf of all the guests.
「謝辞」は感謝の言葉なので「感謝」を意味する gratitude や appreciation を使います。
「謝辞を述べる」は「感謝を表す」ということで show gratitude や express appreciation などと言います。
She expressed her appreciation at the beginning of the party.
We would like to show our gratitude for your hard work by offering you an additional bonus.