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2016/04/22 15:27
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  • Picky eater

  • Selective eater

口語的な表現ですが、"picky eater"は「食べ物の好き嫌いがはっきりしている人」です。同じものしか食べない子供や、嫌いなものが多い人に対して使う言葉です。 同様に"selective eater"という言葉も聞きます。「食べ物を選り好みする人」ですね。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • fickle eater

This is another good way to say this.
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Picky

  • Fussy eater

Someone who is picky is categorised as being fussy and hard to please, because they will only 'pick' certain things when they make a choice. Picky people usually have a list of demands and things that they will or will not do. You could say someone is picky about many things, especially when it comes to making choices such as choosing a romantic partner, picking out their clothes and fashion, and especially when it comes to choosing the food they eat. Children are often described as 'picky'.
"picky"な人は"fussy"で喜ばすのが難しい人と区別されます。なぜなら、彼らは物を選ぶ時に特定の物しか"pick"しません。"Picky"な人は大抵彼らが欲しい物のリストがあります。特に、恋人を選ぶ時や衣服・ファッションを選ぶ時、食べ物を選ぶ時、"picky"という表現を使えます。 子供たちも時々"picky"と表現されることがあります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • a fussy eater

fussy eater でも「食べ物をえり好みする人」と言えます。 fussy は「好き嫌いが激しい」という意味です。 例) I'm not a fussy eater, but the food here is terrible. 〔Illawarra Mercury-Mar 3, 2015〕 参考にしてください、 ありがとうございました。
  • fussy eater

  • picky eater

  • unbalanced diet

example someone who is really "fussy" or "picky" when it comes to food could be described as being a fussy eater or a picky eater "She only eats chips, she has such an unbalanced diet." or "My child is so picky, they don't want to eat vegetables." or "I am a really fussy eater, I need to have a more balanced diet." an unbalanced diet can also be described as lacking in nutrition. or an unhealthy diet.
偏食の人を a fussy eater または a picky eaterと言います。 "She only eats chips, she has such an unbalanced diet." 彼女は、チップスだけ食べます。バランスの悪い食事をしています。  "My child is so picky, they don't want to eat vegetables." 私の子供は、偏食で、野菜を食べたがりません。 "I am a really fussy eater, I need to have a more balanced diet." 私は偏食なので、もっとバランスのとれた食事をする必要があります。 an unbalanced dietとは、栄養に欠けた、不健康な食事という意味です。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • food likes and dislikes

food likes and dislikes (フード ライクス アンド ディスライクス) 「食べ物の好き嫌い」 通常、like や dislike は動詞として使いますが、 このlikes and dislikesは、 名詞『好き嫌い』という意味です。 Food likes and dislikes influence eating pattern. (フード ライクス アンド ディスライクス インフルエンス イーティング パターン) 「食べ物の好き嫌いは食事のパターンに影響を与える」 といった様に使えます。
Takuya Nigami 英語4技能をトレーニング「にがみ塾」塾長
  • A faddy eater

  • They just eat what they want

Faddy = liking or disliking particular things, especially food, for no good reason: "I was a really faddy eater when I was young." 'They just eat what they want.' This means that this person eats according to their desire rather than with a thought to healthy eating and a balanced diet.
Faddy=良くない理由で、特定の食べ物を好きか嫌いになる。 "I was a really faddy eater when I was young." 「私が若かったとき、私は本当に好き嫌いが激しかった。」 「'They just eat what they want.' 」これは、この人が健康的な食事とバランスのとれた食事の考えよりも、自分の欲求に応じて食べることを意味します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Picky eater

  • Unbalanced diet

Picky eaters can vary from eating a few foods to eating foods a certain way. They may not like their food to touch or only like chicken fried. Or they only eat fried rice and broccoli and nothing else. That type of person could have an unbalanced diet. They are not getting all the nutrients needed to be healthy.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • You are very choosy and this is not good for your health.

  • You are quite finicky when it comes to food choices and it is causing an imbalance in your diet.

  • You are too picky when it comes to food!You need to have a balanced diet.

"You are quite finicky when it comes to food choices and it is causing an imbalance in your diet." finicky = (of a person) fussy about their needs or requirements. imbalance = there are some missing elements/nutrients in the diet. You are too picky when it comes to food!You need to have a balanced diet. picky = fussy and hard to please "You are very choosy and this is not good for your health." choosy = someone who is over-particular when making choices.
"You are quite finicky when it comes to food choices and it is causing an imbalance in your diet." finicky =えり好みする、好き嫌いがある人に使われる表現です。 imbalance = 食事にかけている栄養素がある、という意味です。 You are too picky when it comes to food!You need to have a balanced diet. picky = pickyは好き嫌いがあって、喜ばせるのが大変という意味でも使われます。 "You are very choosy and this is not good for your health." choosy = えり好みをする
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • They are very particular about their food.

  • They are fussy eaters.

  • Their diet is not balanced. They don't have a balanced diet.

If someone is particular about something, they choose what they like and are not easily satisfied. Someone who is fussy is difficult to please. Someone's diet is what they normally eat, and if it is balanced, they eat the correct things in the correct quantities. For example, you could say that a child is a very fussy eater, does not eat what is good for them and their diet is not balanced.
Ian Cameron DMM英会話講師
  • picky eater

  • fussy eater

if somebody is "picky" or "fussy" it means that they only like certain things and that they have to have everything perfect in order for them to be able to eat it. you can use either of the above phrases to describe them
Jackk DMM英会話講師
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