"It's become a bit of a custom among my family members to gulp down your beer after a toast."
"We have a family tradition where we all sit down at a table and take turns to say our new years' resolution on new years eve."
* become: 〜〜になる
* a bit of: ちょっとした
* custom: 慣習、通例
* among: 〜〜の中では
* family members: 家族
* gulp down: 一気に飲む、ごくっと飲み干す
* beer: ビール
* after: 〜〜の後に
* toast: 乾杯、cheers とも呼ぶ
* family tradition: 家族間のしきたり、慣習
* sit down at a table: 食卓を囲む
* take turns: 順番に
* new years' resolution: 新年の抱負
* new years' eve: 大晦日
"Do you have a unique family customs?"