耳鳴りは英語でtinnitusと言いますが、会話でよくringing in my earsとか言います。
"I can't concentrate because of my tinnitus."
"I can't concentrate because of the ringing in my ears."
"I heard there was a method to get rid of my tinnitus, but when I tried it it didn't work."
"There is a ringing in my ears."
"My ears are ringing."
"I have a ringing in my ears."
・Ever since Michiko was a child, she had this obnoxious ringing in her ears. With time however, she had discovered coping strategies for her Tinnitus and life got better.
---- obnoxious = 感じの悪い、とても不快な、醜悪な、嫌な、不愉快な
--- coping strategy = 対処戦略