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2019/10/16 09:36
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  • shoe size

足のサイズ=shoe size 足のサイズを聞く際には というのは以下の表現が使えます。 “What is your shoe size” (足のサイズはいくつですか) “What size shoes do you wear?”(何サイズの靴をはいていますか) 日本語では"足"のサイズと言いますが、 英語では"靴"のサイズとなります。 shoes はshoeの複数形です。 I hope this will help you. お役に立てば嬉しいです。
Connie H イギリス出身翻訳家
  • What is your shoe size?

  • What is the size of your foot?

When you want to go to a store and you want to purchase a pair of shoes, a salesperson would proceed to ask you "What is your shoe size". For example: "Hello, I would like to buy some shoes." "Okay, sir, what is your shoe size" "I am a size 10" OR "Hello, I would like to buy some shoes." "Okay, sir, what is the size of your foot?" "I usually wear a size 9 shoe"
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Your shoe size.

  • Your foot size.

if you are wondering hat to call the size of your feel when buying shoes, you can call it your "shoe size". This is the most common way people say this. Different places and countries in the world use different sizing charts so you may need to check what kind of sizing the use for example, U.S.A sizing or U.K sizing.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Shoe size

Examples; - My shoe size is a 4. - I take a size 4 in shoes. A; Hi there, I would like to purchase this shoe, but I can't seem to find my size. B; What is your shoe size sir? A; I take a size 9.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Shoe size

When buying shoes, the size is referred to as "shoe size". An example dialogue: Sales Assistant: Can I help you? Customer: Please could I try these shoes on in a size six and six and a half? Sales Assistant: Of course. Although these shoes don't come in half sizes. I will bring you size six and size seven. Note: The UK, Europe, and the US all have different system of measurement.
Tabitha DMM英会話講師
  • Shoe size

  • What is your shoe size?

  • What size shoe are you?

Shoe size- The size of the shoe that you wear. Example sentence: I was going to buy yo some shes for Christmas, what shoe size are you? That would be great! I'm a size 6! (In a shop) A: Hi, I'm looking for these shoes in a size 5 please. B: Sure, I'll get them for you now. A: Thank you.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • shoe size

The size of your foot is referred to as a shoe size. Said size can vary from country to country; in Mexico, the shoe size is usually exhibited in centimeters. In addition, a letter from A to E indicates width with the A's being the narrowest shoes and the E's being the widest shoes. So a 30B shoe in Mexico would correspond to an average width and a 30 centimeter long shoe.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • shoe size

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「shoe size」 =靴のサイズ (例文)What is your shoe size?// It's around 25cm. (訳)靴のサイズは何ですか?//25cmぐらいです。 (例文)What is your shoe size?// I'm a size 5. (訳)靴のサイズは何ですか?///サイズ 5です。 便利な単語: shoe 靴 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
  • shoe size

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ 「足のサイズ」はshoe size「靴のサイズ」と英語で言います。 What's your shoe size? 「足のサイズはいくらですか?」 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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