If it were a comic, it would be over in a flash like a "a few days later" cut-away.
「漫画なら「数日後ー」で終わるのになあ」は英語で「If it were a comic, it would be over in a flash like a "a few days later" cut-away.」と言います。映画なら「数日後ー」と書いているテロップが出ると思います。そういう「コマ」は「cut-away」と言います。勝手に「in a flash」(一瞬)を付きましたが、そのニュアンスは英語には薄いと思いますので入れました。
I don't really want to get the coronavirus vaccine, but if it were a comic, it would be over in a flash like a "a few days later" cut-away.