I want to win the lottery and become a billionaire this year.
This year, I want to win the lottery and become a billionaire.
My dream is to win the lottery and become a billionaire this year.
・「I want to win the lottery and become a billionaire this year.」
「This year, I want to win the lottery and become a billionaire.」
・「My dream is to win the lottery and become a billionaire this year.」
・win the lottery=「宝くじを当てる」「宝くじに当選する」
(例文)He won the lottery last year.
・「新年の抱負」は「New year's resolution」です。
(例文)My new year's resolution is to win the lottery and become a billionaire.
"My resolution this year is to win the lottery and become a millionaire."
"My goal this year is to hit the lottery and become a millionaire."
「今年の抱負です」とのことなので、"resolution" や "goal" といった単語を使い、「今年は宝くじを当てて億万長者になりたい」という意味を表すのが自然です。"resolution" は特に新年の抱負や決意を示すときによく使います。一方、"goal" は一般的に「目標」を意味し、特に新年に限らず使える言葉です。
- "My resolution this year is to win the lottery and become a millionaire."
- "My goal this year is to hit the lottery and become a millionaire."
「宝くじを当てる」に関しては "win the lottery" や "hit the lottery" が一般的です。"millionaire" は「億万長者」を表し、特に1億円以上の大金持ちというニュアンスが含まれます。