クリーニングが通常価格や他店よりも激安の広告チラシがポストに入っていて"安さにつられてクリーニングに布団を出したらボロボロになって戻って来た" という事を言いたいのですが、I was lured to advertisement of a sale at the cleaners so i took my duvet to there, but they damaged it. 不自然でしょうか?
I was drawn in by the low prices at a dry cleaner, so I brought my duvet there to have it dry cleaned. When I got it back, it was in really rough shape.
ーI was drawn in by the low prices at a dry cleaner, so I brought my duvet there to have it dry cleaned. When I got it back, it was in really rough shape.
to be drawn in by ... で「…につられる・引き込まれる・吸い寄せられる」
to be sucked in by を使っても言えますが、こちらの方がカジュアルな言い方になります。
dry cleaner で「クリーニング屋」
duvet で「羽毛布団」
be in really rough shape で「かなりひどい状態にある・ボロボロの状態にある」