When I was really into video games, I was playing for more than 2 hours per day.
I used to play video games for more than 2 hours a day when I was really into it.
・When I was really into video games, I was playing for more than 2 hours per day.
・I used to play video games for more than 2 hours a day when I was really into it.
be into... は「〜にハマる、熱中する」という意味のカジュアルな表現です。
「1日2時間以上」は more than 2 hours per day/a day などと表現できます。
used to... を使って「以前はよく〜した」という言い方をしてもいいでしょう。
I was playing the video game over two hours a day when I was really into it.
「I was playing the video game over two hours a day when I was really into it.」
「over two hours」二時間以上
「be into it」ハマる
「be into it」は、何か夢中になっていた趣味でも、ドラマでも、ゲームでも何にでも使える便利な言葉です。