Since next year we have tests coming up, I think it's a good idea to call it a truce on the internet battles.
Since next year we have tests coming up, I think it's a good idea to call it a truce on the internet battles.
There's tests coming up next year, so you should put the internet arguments on hold.
There's tests coming up next year, so you should call a truce on the internet arguments.
「来年は試験がある事だしネットバトルは休戦した方がいい」は英語で「There's tests coming up next year, so you should put the internet arguments on hold.」と言います。ここで「truce」を使うのは少し不自然ですが、「truce」を使うには「call a truce」と言います。「ネットバトル」は「internet argument」と言います。
There's tests coming up next year, so you should call a truce on the internet arguments.