There are nymphs in the pool that hasn't been used in a year. Get those.
やご - dragonfly larvae, (dragonfly) nymphs
- There are nymphs in the pool that hasn't been used in a year. Get those.
- Due to the water in the pool not being used in a year, dragonflies have laid their eggs in there and now we are going to catch the dragonfly larvae that are swimming around.
There are dragonfly larvae in the pool we haven't used for a year. Take them out.
「1年使っていないプールに」=「in the pool (we) haven't used for a year」
「やごがいる」=「there are dragonfly larvae」
「それを捕る」=「take them out」
「それを捕る」=「take them out」はちょっと硬いですので、「please」=「ください」があった方が良いと思います。「みんなで捕まえる」の場合では、「let's all take them out」や「everyone, let's take them out」も良いです。
ちなみに、「larva」=「単数形」、「larvae」=「複数形」です。なので、この場合では「dragonfly larvae」になります。
Since the pool water hasn't been used for a year, dragonflies laid eggs in the pool, they became dragonfly larvae, and they're swimming around. Let's all take them out.