I'd like to skip the vocabulary section and just jump into the conversation part today.
Can we move past the vocabulary and get right into the speaking part?
ーI'd like to skip the vocabulary section and just jump into the conversation part today.
to skip「飛ばす」
ーCan we move past the vocabulary and get right into the speaking part?
to move past「通り過ぎる」=「飛ばす」
I'd like to skip the vocabulary section and go right into conversation practice.
Can we skip the vocab and do conversation practice?
「単語は飛ばして、会話の練習をしたい」は英語で「I'd like to skip the vocabulary section and go right into conversation practice.」と言います。レッスンの先生に丁寧な言い方にしたいなら「Can we skip the vocab and do conversation practice?」というお願いするような言い方でも大丈夫です。
I'd like to skip the vocabulary part and go right into practicing the dialogue.