Women worry about potentially being demoted or not being able to maintain the same level of professional status they had before giving birth when they return to work after maternity leave.
Women worry about potentially being demoted or not being able to maintain the same level of professional status they had before giving birth when they return to work after maternity leave.
When women return to work after giving birth to their child, they sometimes worry their position at work might not be as secure/strong as it used to be.
ーWhen women return to work after giving birth to their child, they sometimes worry their position at work might not be as secure/strong as it used to be.
to return to work で「仕事に復帰する」
to give birth to one's child で「出産する」
ここでの「地位が下がる」は one's position at work might not be as secure/strong as it used to be「以前より職場での地位が下がるかもしれない」 のように表現できます。