世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/15 07:42
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  • Please teach me again

Please teach me again また教えてください 直訳すると上記のようになりますが、以下の表現の方が英語の場合ですとナチュラルです: I hope to have a lesson with you again. またレッスンをお願いしたいです。 Please teach me more about XX next time. 次回はXXについてもっと教えてください。 是非使ってみてください。
  • Please teach me again!

  • Please let me take a lesson with you again

Hi Fumi! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! 「教える」ということは、「情報を伝える」という意味の場合、英語で「tell」と言います。 Can you tell me your phone number? 電話番号を教えてください。 でもこの場合、teachで自然です。 おっしゃったフレーズの直訳は Please teach me againです。 もうちょっと大人っぽくて自然に聞こえるフレーズは Please let me take a lesson with you again. あなたとのレッスンをまた受けさせてください。 Your lessonはあなたのたった一回のレッスンというニュアンスをするので、使わないでください。 A lesson with youの方は自然に聞こえます。 よろしくお願いします! アーサーより
  • I'd like to have another class with you.

  • Please teach me again!

You can use any of these to express to your teacher that you would like another class with him or her. 1. I'd like to have another class with you. 2. Please teach me again!
もう一度先生のクラスを取りたいことを伝えるのには、以下の例文のどちらでも使えます。 1. I'd like to have another class with you. (またあなたのクラスを取りたいです) 2. Please teach me again! (また教えてください!)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to have a lesson with you again.

  • Will you teach me again?

"I would like to have a lesson with you again." You could also say, "May I book another lesson with you?" or "Do you mind if I book a lesson with you tomorrow/next week/ Wednesday etc." Each of these phrases lets the teacher know that you would like to have a lesson with the teacher again. "Will you teach me again?" Asking in this form you are asking for their permission to have another lesson wtih them.
"I would like to have a lesson with you again." "May I book another lesson with you?" あるいは"Do you mind if I book a lesson with you tomorrow/next week/ Wednesday etc."と言うこともできます。 これらのフレーズはすべて、その先生のレッスンをまた受けたいことを先生に知らせるものです。 "Will you teach me again?" この形での質問では、またレッスンをしてほしいという許可を求めています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Could you teach me again?

  • Could you teach me more?

  • I would like to have more lessons with you

If you feel the lesson has gone very well and you would very much like to be taught by your teacher again, you can ask. 'Could you teach me again?' or 'Could you teach me more?. Both have similar meanings and by using the word 'could' you are asking if the teacher has time in the future to teach you or if the teacher could repeat what they have just taught you. Alternatively you could express that you would like to have more lessons with that teacher by asking, 'I would like to have more lessons with you.
レッスンがとてもよくて、また同じ先生に教えてもらいたいとき、以下のように尋ねることができます。 'Could you teach me again?' また教えてもらえますか? 'Could you teach me more? もっと教えてもらえますか? どちらもよく似た意味ですが、couldを使うことで、この先その先生があなたに教える時間があるか、またはあなたに今レッスンしたように引き続き教えてもらえるのかを聞くことができます。 あるいは、'I would like to have more lessons with you.(あなたにまたレッスンしてもらいたいです。)ということで、先生にもう一度レッスンをしてほしいという気持ちを伝えることができます。
Ben Mo DMM英会話講師
  • say again

  • to repeat something

You could say " can you repeat the question ". or "could you please repeat that". or "can we try that again".
次のように言うことが出来ます。 "Can you repeat the question " (質問をもう一度言ってください) "Could you please repeat that" (それをもう一度言ってください) "Can we try that again" (もう一度お願いします)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to have another lesson with you teacher.

  • I will reserve a class with you again teacher.

Since it is the student who reserves a class with the teacher, it is up to the student to reserve another class with the teacher should he/she wish the teacher to teach him/her again. All the student needs to do is to monitor the teacher's schedules and reserve the slot that he/she thinks is most suitable. If the teacher has any slot open, it means that he/she is available. So, should you want the teacher to teach you again, you may say: I would like to have another lesson with you teacher. or I will reserve a class with you again teacher.
先生とのクラスを予約するのは生徒であるので、もし同じ先生に教えてもらいたいなら、その先生との授業をまた予約するかはあなた次第です。 生徒にとってしなければならないのは、先生のスケジュールを見て都合の良い先生が空いている枠があれば予約するだけです。 もし先生に枠があれば、それは授業開講可能ということを表しています。 なので、 先生に再び教えてもらいたかったら、 “I would like to have another lesson with you, teacher.” (先生、もう一度先生の授業を受けたいです。) や “I will reserve a class with you again, teacher.” (先生、もう一度先生の授業を予約したいです。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I would like it if you could teach me again!

  • May I please have another lesson with you?

  • I really like your class, I think I will try to have a lesson with you again. Is that alright?

You could use any of these if you would like to have another lesson with this teacher. They are all very polite and they get your point across. If you are trying to be considerate of your teacher's schedule, I would suggest that you use either the second or the last example. You are asking the teacher if it would be okay with her/him to book another lesson. The first example is just an exclamation you could use and you are under no obligation to book the teacher soon. Hope this helps!
Janke DMM英会話講師
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