世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/11 22:31
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  • I will get a job that is unrelated to my major.

自分の専攻とは関係ないとこに就職するつもりだよ。 that is は省略しても大丈夫です。 大学時代の調べでは、大学生の7割は自分の専攻と関係ないところの就職するそうです。
  • I got a job that is unconnected to my studies!

  • I have a job that has nothing to do with my major!

"Unconnected" or "Unrelated' or "Nothing to do" all means that is not what you studied and majored in at college. Here are some examples that you can express that with: "I got a job that is unconnected to my studies!" "I have a job that has nothing to do with my major!"
"unconnected"や"unrelated"や"nothing to do"はすべてあなたが大学で勉強したことは違うという意味です。それを表現する例文をいくつかご紹介します。 "I got a job that is unconnected to my studies."(私は自分の専攻と関係のない仕事を得ました。) "I have a job that has nothing to do with my major!"(私は専攻と関係のない仕事に就いています。)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I'm getting a job that has nothing to do with my major.

  • I'm going to be working somewhere unrelated to my major.

こんにちは。 ・I'm getting a job that has nothing to do with my major. 「専攻と何も関係ない職につきます」 ・I'm going to be working somewhere unrelated to my major. 「専攻と関係ない職場で働きます」 上記のように言うことができます。 「関係ない」は have nothing to do with や unrelated と言えます。 「専攻」は major、「副専攻」は minor と言います。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • My job is not connected in any way with my university studies

  • My major is irrelevant to my work

"..not connected with..." - if something/someone is not connected with something/someone else, it means that there may not be anything that relates one to another. "John is a policeman and his work is not connected with nursing." Irrelevant = not connected with or relevant to something. "An irrelevant comment." synonyms: beside the point, not to the point, immaterial, not pertinent, not germane, off the subject, neither here nor there, unconnected, unrelated, peripheral, tangential, extraneous, in apposite, inapt, inapplicable;
"..not connected with..." -2つのものまたは人が繋がっていない、つまりそれは関係のないという意味になるよね。 "John is a policeman and his work is not connected with nursing."ジョンは警察官だよ、彼の仕事は看護とは関係ないよ。 Irrelevant = 関係ない、または繋がりがない "An irrelevant comment.":全く関係のないコメント 類義語はこちら:beside the point, not to the point, immaterial, not pertinent, not germane, off the subject, neither here nor there, unconnected, unrelated, peripheral, tangential, extraneous, in apposite, inapt, inapplicable;
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I found a job that has a job description which is unrelated to my university degree major

  • I have found a job in marketing although I majored in Accounting at university

In the first statement, you are indicating what exactly is unrelated to your university degree major. It is the job description, the nature of tasks you are going to be performing. They are not related to your university degree major. Also, when using the noun 'major', I believe it is important to specify what major this is: university degree major'. A 'major' at college or university, is the main subject that the student is studying. However, 'major' can also mean an officer of middle rank in the army, or it can also 'mean something that is more important, serious, or significant than other things in a group or situation'. You may say: 'This is a major problem for us'. In the second statement, you have used major as a verb: I 'majored' in accounting. You have also mentioned the nature of job you have found without being vague: 'I found a job in marketing'.
1つ目の文では、つまりなにがあなたの大学の専攻と関係ないのかを示唆しています。 それは、仕事内容であり、あなたが取り組むタスクの詳細です。 それらがあなたの専攻と関係ないと言いたいです。 また、 major という名詞を使う時、私はいつの専攻かを特定することが大切だと思います。 この場合は、university degree major ですね。 カレッジや大学のmajor は、生徒が専門として勉強する科目のことです。 しかし、major は軍隊の中佐のことや、「そのグループや状況の中で、他のものよりも重要で深刻で、意味のあること」を意味することもあります。 たとえば、This is a major problem for us.(これは私たちにとって主な問題です。)と言うことが出来ます。 2つ目の文では、major を動詞として使っています。 I 'majored' in accounting. (私は、会計学を「専攻していた」。) 仕事の性質についてもはっきりと言及しています。 I found a job in marketing. (私はマーケティング分野の仕事を見つけました。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I will do a job that has nothing to do with what I have studied.

This means you are going to work in an industry that has nothing to do with what you studied. For example, maybe you studied Law but you decided to go and work in the Engineering field.
"こちらは、勉強したものとは関係ない業種に就くつもりです、という意味です。 例えば、法律を学んだとしましょう、がしかし、工業系の仕事をすることに決めた。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • unrelated...

  • My job is totally unrelated to my major degree in English!

While at college we must choose a subject to "Major in:". We may find however that when the time comes for a career choice...our Major "is less than useful". In fact we might find it is "totally unrelated"
大学では "Major in:"(専攻)を選ばなければなりません。職業を選ぶ際に 専攻が"is less than useful"(役に立たない)と思うかもしれません。 実際にそれが "totally unrelated"(全く無関係な)と思ってしまうかもしれません。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I got a job that isn't related to my major at university.

  • Well, my job has nothing to do with my major!

When you say that something is not "related" to something else, you are saying that they are not connected. You can use "related" when speaking about family or when you speak about other things that are connected, for example an android and an iphone are related because they are both smart phones. "nothing to do with" is a phrase we use to emphasize that the two things you are comparing, are polar opposites from one another.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • not related to / unrelated

  • not linked to

  • not connected to/with

We can use the following expressions to explain that the work/job we are doing doesn't necessarily correspond with the area of study in which we received a degree. " My job/work/position is not related to my major/degree/area of university study." / "My job/work/position is unrelated to my major/degree/area of university study." or "My job/work/position is not linked to my major/degree/area of university study." "My job/work/position is not connected to/with my major/degree/area of university study." 'linked' is a more informal expression than 'connected'
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • I have a job that is not related to my degree.

It is common in today's society that a lot of people cannot get jobs in the field in which they studied at university, this can be due to high competition, higher demand in other industries, etc. Some people get forced into less desirable jobs because they need to make money.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • My work and my major are completely unrelated.

  • I have a job that has nothing to do with my major.

How is your job? It is good, going well. And yours? It is good. What did you study again? Well, my work and my major are completely unrelated. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I will work at a job that is not related to my major.

  • I will work at a job that is unrelated to my major.

  • I will work at a job that has nothing to do with my major.

Notice that in the first two sentences that the synonym to, "not related," is, "unrelated," with the addition of the prefix -un. We can also say that it, "has nothing to do with," to come out with the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • My job is not related to my major.

When explaining that you have a job but it is not in connection or related to your major you can use the above sentence. Example; - I have a job but it is not related to my university major at all.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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