世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/26 22:49
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  • Which one from the top is that?

  • Which one from the bottom are you talking about?

上から何番目ですか? 下から何番目のこと(写真)を話しているの? また、右から何番目?であれば which one from the right...と言うことができます。 Which picture are you talking about? どの写真を話しているの? I am talking about the second one from the top. 上から二番目の写真について話しているのよ。
  • Which photo in particular?

  • Which one?

  • Which one are you talking about?

These are all great to use to ask which photo they are talking about.Where possible,you might need to use hand gestures to point at the photo options.You could also say: There are tons of photo,which one are you talking about? Could you describe the photo you are talking about? I am not sure which photo you are talking about,can you show me or send it?
These are all great to use to ask which photo they are talking about.Where possible,you might need to use hand gestures to point at the photo options.You could also say: ①とりわけ、どの写真ですか?②どの写真ですか?③どの写真のことですか?(どの写真について話していますか?)もしできれば、手を使って、写真を指差すのも良いかもしれません。 There are tons of photo,which one are you talking about? Could you describe the photo you are talking about? I am not sure which photo you are talking about,can you show me or send it? 他の言い回し:①「たくさんの写真があるので、どの写真のことですか?」②「どの写真のことを話しているのか、その写真の特徴を教えてくれますか?」③「どの写真のことを言っているのか分からないので、見せてくれますか?それか、送ってくれますか?」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Which photo are you referring to?

  • Which photo are you talking about??

Example A: Which photo are you referring to? B: The third one from the top A: Which photo are you talking about? B: The on with the dog in it.
≪例文①≫ A. Which photo are you referring to? (どの写真のことですか?) B. The third one from the top. (上から3番目です。) ≪例文②≫ A. Which photo are you talking about? (どの写真のことを言っているのですか?) B. The one with the dog in it. (犬が写っている写真。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A) Which picture are you talking about?

  • B) Which picture ?

  • C) Which one ?

All of the above will be suitable to use :-) *Which -asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set. Example-"which are the best varieties of grapes for long keeping?" *Talking about-used informally and often ironically to add emphasis to a statement I hope this helps :-)
すべての例文はどれを使ってもいいでしょう。 *Which -1つ以上のものから選ぶときにどちらか明確にする 例-"which are the best varieties of grapes for long keeping?"長く持つのはどの種類のぶどう? *Talking about-カジュアルな表現で強調する目的で使う 参考になると幸いです
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Precisely which one should I look at?

  • Please explain where I can see that photo.

"Precisely which one should I look at?" "WELL, YOU LOOK ON THE SECOND LINE DOWN AND THEN COUNT IN 7 PHOTOS FROM THE RIGHT HAND SIDE. IT'S THE ONE WHERE i'M WEARING A MEXICAN SOMBRERO!" "OK, I see it, thanks!" Alternatively, you could say: "Please explain where I can see that photo." "Bottom line, on the left."
"Precisely which one should I look at?" どれを見ればいいか、正確に教えて! "WELL, YOU LOOK ON THE SECOND LINE DOWN AND THEN COUNT IN 7 PHOTOS FROM THE RIGHT HAND SIDE. IT'S THE ONE WHERE i'M WEARING A MEXICAN SOMBRERO!" 二つ下の段の、右から7番目だよ。メキシコのソンブレロを着ている僕がいるだろ。 "OK, I see it, thanks!"ああ、見えた。ありがとう。 または、こういうこともできます。 "Please explain where I can see that photo." その写真が見られる場所を説明して。 "Bottom line, on the left." 一番下の段の左だよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What photo are you talking about?

  • What photo are you referring to?

  • Which photo?

If you are asking someone which photo they are talking about then you can simply ask 'which photo?' the word 'referring' means which one they are talking about
相手がどの写真について言っているのか確認したいなら、シンプルに 'Which photo?'(どの写真?)と言えます。 'referring' は「~について話している」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Which photo are you referring to?

Which photo are you referring to? - I'd say that this one of the easiest way to as which picture the person is talking about. You can also us e follow up question as a means to clarify your question such as: "The one with the dog in it? Or the camping picture above the guy leaning over his car?"
Which photo are you referring to?(どの写真のことですか) - これがたぶん最も簡単な聞き方です。「どの写真について言っているのですか」と尋ねています。この後に確認の質問を続けることもできます、例えば: "The one with the dog in it? Or the camping picture above the guy leaning over his car?" (犬の写った写真ですか。それとも男の人が車に寄りかかった写真の上のキャンプの写真ですか)
Alyss DMM英会話講師
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