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2017/02/27 22:36
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  • I'd like to make a reservation

I'd like to make a reservation =[予約](を取りたいのですが もっと軽い感じであれば: Can I make a reservation? =予約って取れますか? でもいいです。TPOで使い分けましょう。
  • I would like to make a reservation (at your restaurant).

  • May I make a reservation, please?

◆「[予約](をしたいのですが」は I would like to make a reservation. と言えば分かってもらえると思います。 電話口なら May I ~を使った疑問文でも良いと思います。 人数、日にち、時間が決まっていれば Hello, May I make a reservation for ▲▲ persons on June 10th around ○○pm? My name is ... (▲▲名で6月10日に夜○○[時頃](予約したいのですが...) のように言ってしまってもよいかもしれません。
Yukari Asano フリーランス翻訳者
  • I would like to book a table please

  • I would like to make a reservation

it is much more common to say, I would like to book a table please You will then be asked for your name, the time you wish to book for and the number of people who will attend
I would like to book a table pleaseはすごく一般的な表現です。 名前や時間、何名での予約がいいかをきかれることでしょう。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to make a dinner reservation for 6 people for tonight at 7pm.

>I would like to make a dinner reservation for 6 people for tonight at 7pm. Example Him;Hello, flambo steak ranch. Me:Hi, can I make a reservation please? Him:Yes sure, for how many people? Me: 6 people. Him: For when would this be? Me: Tonight at 7pm. Him:Great. Your reservation is booked.
 I would like to make a dinner reservation for 6 people for tonight at 7pm. (今夜、午後7時にディナーを6人で予約したいと思います。) 例) 彼;Hello, flambo steak ranch. (こんにちは、flamboのステーキの牧場です。) 私:Hi, can I make a reservation please? (こんにちは、予約してもいいですか?) 彼:Yes sure, for how many people? (はい、大丈夫ですよ。何人いらっしゃいますか?) 私:6 people. (6人です。) 彼:For when would this be? (何時ごろになりますか?) 私:Tonight at 7pm. (今夜の午後7時です。) 彼:Great. Your reservation is booked. (かしこまりました。予約を承りました。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to book a table for XX.

  • Do you have any tables available, I would like to reserve one.

  • Can I reserve a table?

You can specify how many seats you want on your table 'I would like to book a table for 2/4/etc.' or 'Can I reserve a table for 2/4/etc.'. You can also simply ask if any tables are available.
I would like to book a table for 2/4/etc. Can I reserve a table for 2/4/etc? 上記は、何人分予約したいか伝える表現です。 テーブルが空いているか聞くこともできます。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to make a reservation for 2 people next week Saturday night.

When making a reservation/booking at a restaurant you need specify the number of people coming, seating area (whether outside or inside the restaurant, if parking is available etc so that necessary arrangements are made for before you go to the restaurant.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to book a table for this evening

  • I'd like a table for this evening

  • I'd like to make a reservation for this evening

To make a booking, or to make a reservation, or to reserve or book a table: these are the usual patterns used when setting yourself up for a meal out at a restaurant. However, you could also just use the construction, 'I'd like...' which is very simple and straightforward: "I'd like a table for this evening." or, if you've been to the restaurant before, you may make a more specific request: "Would you put a reserve for me on that table by the window?"
予約をするためには、通常使われる決まり文句があります。 しかし、ただ単に'I'd like...'という直接的でシンプルな構文を使うこともできます。 例: "I'd like a table for this evening." ー今夜のテーブルを予約したいです。 または、以前そのレストランにきたことがあれば、より詳しいリクエストをできます。 "Would you put a reserve for me on that table by the window?" ー窓の近くのテーブルを予約できますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I make a reservation please?

  • Can I book a table please?

It is often required to reserve a table in a restaurant, especially if you do not wish to wait around for a table big enough to become available. You can ask: I'd like to make a reservation please. Can I make a reservation please? Can I book a table please?
レストランでテーブルが空くのを待ちたくないときは、予約が必要になることが多いです。 以下のように尋ねることができます: I'd like to make a reservation please. (予約をしたいのですが) Can I make a reservation please? (予約させていただけますか?) Can I book a table please? (テーブルを予約出来ますか?)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to book a table..

  • I'd like to make a reservation for two people ...

"I'd like to book a table." This means you would like to secure a place /table at that particular restaurant if there are any available.You should give them specific details of your booking such as how many people will need the table,what time you will need it for as well the actual day and date for your intended booking. "I'd like to make a reservation for two people ..." This is an appropriate way to book a table as you are letting them know of your intention to dine at their restaurant as well the amount of people they need to cater for.
"I'd like to book a table."テーブルを予約したいのですが。 特定のレストランで空席があればそのテーブルを予約したいという意味。予約するときは詳細、何人で何日に予約したいのか情報を伝える必要があります。 "I'd like to make a reservation for two people ..."2人分の予約をしたいのですが 特定のレストランで何人の予約をしたいと伝えて、予約するフレーズです。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to book a table please.

  • Can I make a reservation at [time]?

  • Can I reserve a table please?

Reserve and reservation are perfectly good words to use, but are quite formal. People would still understand that you would like to keep a table available for you and your friends at a certain time/date. You can also use the word 'book' which means the same thing, and the restaurant would be able to ensure that you have a table available at the time and date you want it. You can make a reservation/booking for other things as well - cinema, theatre, show, car service - a wide range of things.
Reserveやreservationはとても良い言葉ですが、かなりフォーマルなものです。特定の時間や日付にあなたやあなたの友人がテーブルをしたいと思っていることは伝わるでしょう。 同じことを意味する'book'という言葉を使用することもできます。レストランは、あなたの希望する日時にテーブルを用意することができるでしょう。 映画館、劇場、ショー、カーサービスなど、さまざまなものの予約/予約も可能です。
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • Will you please reserve a table for two for me tonight?

  • I would like to book a table for two tonight at your restaurant.

Normally, if you want to reserve a table at a restaurant, you have to mention the number of people you are requesting the reservation for, and also the date on which you want this reservation. So, you may say: Will you please reserve a table for two for me tonight? or I would like to book a table for two tonight at your restaurant.
通常レストランでテーブルを予約したい場合は、予約する人数と、予約をしたい日付を伝えなければなりません。 ですので、以下のように言うことができます。 Will you please reserve a table for two for me tonight? または I would like to book a table for two tonight at your restaurant.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can I make a reservation for Saturday at 7 pm please?

  • I would like to book a table for tomorrow night.

When making a reservation it is good to give as much details as possible. Example: Can I make a reservation for four people at 7 pm please? I would like to make a reservation for four at 7 pm please.
予約を入れる時は、できるだけ詳しく言った方がいいです。 例: Can I make a reservation for four people at 7 pm please? (夜7時に4名予約できますか) I would like to make a reservation for four at 7 pm please. (夜7時に4名予約したいのですが)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I would like to make a reservation please.

  • I would like to reserve a table for (insert number here)

These sentences express that someone would like to make a reservation at a restaurant, They can also be used to make a reservation at other places where seating is provided.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to make a reservation.

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記はいかがでしょうか: ・I would like to make a reservation. 「予約をしたいのですが」 reservation で「予約」を表すことができます。 reserve と言うと「予約する」の意味になります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I'd like to make a reservation please.

  • Please can I make a booking.

  • I'm calling to make a reservation please.

Some restaurants have a mandatory reservation rule, you have to call in to make a booking before you come in to enjoy a meal there. Other places are less rigid and allow you to come in whenever you like. We can add on to the sentences above by stating the dates and times we would like for our reservation. "I'd like to make a reservation for the following date and time please, Monday at 7 pm, a table for five, please." We can use the words 'reservation' and 'booking' interchangeably. Mandatory: compulsory, must do Rule: policy Rigid: not flexible
レストランによっては予約がないと入れない所もありますね。食事をしにレストランに行く前に電話をして予約を取らないといけません。 そこまで厳格ではなく、いつでも入れてくれるお店もあります。 上記の文に予約をしたい日時を加えることもできます。 "I'd like to make a reservation for the following date and time please, Monday at 7 pm, a table for five, please." (月曜日の午後7時に5名予約したいです) 'reservation' と 'booking' は置き換えて使うことができます。 Mandatory: 義務的な/しなければならない Rule: 方針 Rigid: 柔軟でない
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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