compete (競争する)in a triathlon.と言います。
今年=this year
〜したい=I want to
トライアスロンに= in a triathlon
A: This year, I want to compete in the triathlon.
B: Oh, the one you said last year?
「〜に挑戦したい」 は I want to try... です。
トライアスロンにはMini,Olympic, Ironmanなど、様々なタイプ(race format)があるようですね。
"What kind?" 「どんな種類の?」と聞かれたら、
"I want to try a Olympic distance race." 「オリンピック・ディスタンスのレースに挑戦したい。」などと続けるといいと思います。
~したい= want to
ですのでI want to try a triathlon this year.となります。
My New Year's resolution is to participate in a triathlon.
My goal for the new year is to . take part in a triathlon.
1. My New Year's resolution is to participate in a triathlon.
A New Year's resolution is a goal where a person resolves to change some bad behaviour or habit, or to accomplish a goal they set for themselves. In this case, this person has the goal of accomplishing a triathlon in the New Year.
2. My goal for the new year is to take part in a triathlon.
The words resolution, plab, goal and objective all mean the same thing. We can also use the words "take part in" to mean the same as "to participate in."
1. My New Year's resolution is to participate in a triathlon.
"New Year's resolution" とは、悪い習慣を改めたり何かを達成するといった目標を言います。この場合、この人には、新年にトライアスロンを成し遂げるという目標があるわけです。
2. My goal for the new year is to take part in a triathlon.
"resolution" "plab" "goal" "objective" これらは全て同じ意味です。"take part in" は "to participate in"(~に参加する)と同じ意味です。
The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you want to participate in a triathlon. In the second sentence you will see the term sign up for. This means to formally enroll oneself into an activity, program, etc. This term would make a great addition to your vocabulary since it is a term that can be used in both formal and informal settings.
二つ目の例文に、”Sign up for"というフレーズがありますが、アクティビティやプログラムに正式登録する、という意味です。
I want to do a triathalon this year as my new year's resolution.
I intend to participate in triathalon this year.
Are acceptable to say in this situation.
I want to do a triathalon this year as my new year's resolution.(今年は新年の抱負として、トライアスロンに挑戦したいです)
I intend to participate in a triathalon this year.(今年トライアスロンに参加しようと思っています)
My new years resolution is to try to compete/participate in a triatholon
This year, i want to try and compete/participte in a triatholon
I want to try and compete/participate in a triatholon this year
If you are wanting to make a new years resolution then you could say 'My new years resolution' this would explain what you want it do it for but you could also simply say 'this year, i want to .......' or just / ' i want to try ....... ' and add this year to the end
To compete also means to participate or to take part in something
新年の抱負を表現する際は、”My new year's resolution"(私の新年の抱負)と言えば伝わります。もっとシンプルに、”This year, I want to xx"(今年は、○○をしたい)または”I want to try xx this year"(今年は○○に挑戦したい)と伝えることも出来ます。
”To compete"は、何かに参加し「競う」という意味です。