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空港からホテルまでの送迎車が4人乗りらしく、荷物はlight luggageなら大丈夫と言われました。 3つスーツケースを持って行く予定なので、入るのか心配です。2つトランク、1つ膝の上でいけるのかどうか。。。
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2017/05/18 21:16
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  • Will 2 suitcases fit in the trunk of your car?

  • Do you have room for 2 suitcases in your trunk?

こんにちは。 Will 2 suitcases fit in the trunk of your car? あなたの車のトランクにスーツケース2個入りますか? 上記のように言うことができます。 「車のトランク」はアメリカ英語では trunk、イギリス英語では boot ということが多いです。fit は「入る」「入りきる」という意味です。 他に Do you have room for 2 suitcases in your trunk?(トランクにはスーツケース2個分のスペースはありますか?)のように言うこともできます。room は「部屋」という意味以外に「スペース」や「空間」の意味もあります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Will all my suitcases fit in your car?

  • How many suitcases will fit in your car? I have #.

One solution to this question is to ask, "How many suitcases will fit in your car?" I would choose to ask about the whole car instead of just the trunk, in case there is enough space inside the car itself. Then, you can specify how many you're bringing, "I have two suitcases" or, "I have three suitcases."
一つの解決策は"How many suitcases will fit in your car?"と聞くことです。 私がその立場にいましたらトランク以外にもスペースがあるかもしれないので、トランクだけではなく車全体のことについて聞くと思います。 そのあとにスーツケースの数などを具体的に "I have two suitcases" や "I have three suitcases."と説明すればいいと思います。
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • Can you put these both in the boot?

By asking directly the taxi driver will tell you if they will fit or not. Boot is another word for the back of the taxi.
タクシドライバーに直接尋ねることでちゃんとはいるかどうかわかるでしょう。 Bootは後部トランクのことです。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Will both of my suitcases fit in the boot of your car?

Saying "both" is a better way of referring to two things.
二つのものを指す時は "both" を使ったほうがいいです。
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • Is there enough room for two suitcases in the boot of your car?

  • Will there be space for my two suitcases in the trunk?

  • Will both of my suitcases fit in the boot of your car?

"Is there enough room for two suitcases in the boot of your car?" room = space that can be occupied or where something can be done, especially viewed in terms of whether there is enough. e.g There's only room for a single bed in there "Will there be space for my two suitcases in the trunk?" space = This is a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied e.g A table took up much of the space "Will both of my suitcases fit in the boot of your car?" to fit = to be of the right shape and size for e.g Those jeans still fit me
Is there a room for two suitcases in the boot of your car? room = なにかを置いたりしたりする空間で、とくに十分にあるかどうかを聞くときに使われます。 例 There's only room for a single bed in there. (そこにはシングルベッドしか置けるスペースがない。) WIll there be space for my two suitcases in the trunk? space = これは、空いている、利用可能な、使われていないまとまった場所のことです。 例 A table took up much of the space. (テーブルはその場所を多くを埋めてしまった。) Will both of my suitcases fit in the boot of your car? fit = 形やサイズが場所に合うこと 例 Those jeans still fit me. (このジーンズまだ入るわ。)
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Can these two suitcases fit inside the boot of your car.

  • Do you have space for these suitcases in the boot of your car.

You can use the above sentences to ask the driver if they can fit inside the boot. You should also be specific with the number of suitcases.
"上記の表現を使って、運転手さんにトランクの中に入るか尋ねることが出来ます。 また、スーツケースの個数をはっきりと言った方がいいでしょう。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • WIll these fit?

  • Driver I have 2 large suitcases with me...Will these fit into your car boot?

It has happened to me...the cases were too large to go in the boot...So I had to put them inside the car instead!! "WIll these fit"? is the big question to ask! "Driver I have 2 large suitcases with me...Will these fit into your car boot?"
私も経験があります...スーツケースが大きすぎてトランクに入らない...車の中に入れないといけませんでした!! 「Will these fit?(これは入りますか)」と聞けます。 "Driver, I have 2 large suitcases with me...Will these fit into your car boot?" (運転手さん、大きいスーツケースが2つあるんですけど...トランクに入りますかね)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have space for two suitcases?

  • Will two suitcases fit in your boot?

'Boot' is another word for the trunk of a car.
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Will two cases fit in the boot?

  • Is there room in the boot for two cases?

  • Is the boot big enough for two cases?

In the UK we say 'the boot' rather than 'trunk'.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Will two suitcases fit in the trunk?

  • Will two suitcases fit in the back?

  • Are you able to fit two suitcases?

We can either use the words, "truck," which is the exact definition of the back part of a car, or we can simply just use, "back," within the context. In addition we can turn the question to simply the ask the driver if he can fit them inside of the car.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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