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2017/06/21 21:35
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  • cafeteria

cafeteria カフェテリア=学食 学校によっては dining hall などといった別の呼び方をしたりしますが、とりあえず cafeteria と言えば学食をイメージします。
  • school cafeteria

そのままschool cafeteriaと言うこともできます。 例: I am going to have lunch at the school cafeteria. 私は学食でランチを食べます。 school = 学校 cafeteria = 食堂 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Cafeteria

  • Lunch room.

  • Canteen

A place at school which serves food is called a cafeteria. It can also be referred to as a lunch room or canteen. That also applies in high school, junior high as well as college or university. I hope that helps!
学校で食べ物を出してもらえる場所を a cafeteria と言います。 a lunch room や canteen という呼び方もあります。 中学、高校、また大学の食堂にもこの呼び方は使えます。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Cafeteria

  • Canteen

  • Dining room

These three examples are what you might hear when someone is refering to the place where people eat their lunch in school. You may also hear phrases like 'lunch room' or 'dining hall'. Any of these phrases are suitable. These phrases can be used in any kind of school and even in work places.
この例文は、学校で昼食食べる場所を表す表現です。 また、「lunch room」や「dining hall」と言うこともできます。 学校や職場でこれらの表現を使うことができます。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Cafeteria

  • Lunch counter

  • Lunchroom

A place that serves food at a school, college or university is called one of the above names. You can buy your food at the counter and then take it, to sit at a table. "I am having lunch in the cafeteria, today!" "I am buying food at the lunch counter!" "Are we eating in the lunchroom?
学校、大学、または大学で食べ物を提供する場所は、上記の名前のどれか1つで呼ばれます。 カウンターで食べ物を買い、テーブルに座って食べることができます。 例 "I am having lunch in the cafeteria, today!" 今日はカフェでランチを食べようと思います。 "I am buying food at the lunch counter!" 購買部で食べ物を買います。 "Are we eating in the lunchroom? 食堂で食べますか?
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • canteen

  • dining room

1. Canteen: A canteen is a restaurant provided by an organization such as a college for its students. 2.Dining room - If the school is a boarding school, the place people go to eat is called the dining room.
1. Canteen: A canteen とは、大学にある生徒用の学食など組織が提供するレストランのことを言います。 2.Dining room - もし学校が学生寮つきなら、dirining roomと呼ばれます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The canteen

  • The cafeteria

In the UK, the traditional name for the place where you have lunch and snacks and drinks are served is 'canteen.' However, with more and more choice being offered to students, there is a wider selection on offer these days - also the payment system has changed so that students each may choose a different item from the menu from credit loaded to their accounts. So the name often applied these days is 'cafeteria.'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Canteen

  • Cafeteria

The "Canteen" is a word used in the UK and Ireland to refer to the place where the schoolchildren eat at lunchtime. It can also be used in the workplace too. "We have to wait until one o'clock to have lunch in the canteen today. It's not even eleven o'clock and I am already so hungry" The "Cafeteria" is used more in the USA and Canada. It has the same meaning as "Canteen" "I am going to eat in the cafeteria today. Normally I go home for lunch because I live so close, but today they have a nice selection of food that I want to try".
"Canteen" は、イギリスやアイルランドで使われる言葉です。学生が昼食を取る食堂を指します。また、職場にある食堂を指すこともあります。 "We have to wait until one o'clock to have lunch in the canteen today. It's not even eleven o'clock and I am already so hungry" (今日は1時まで食堂で昼食が食べられない。まだ11時なのにもうおなかペコペコだ) "Cafeteria" はカナダやアメリカで使われる言葉です。意味は "Canteen" と同じです。 "I am going to eat in the cafeteria today. Normally I go home for lunch because I live so close, but today they have a nice selection of food that I want to try". (今日は学食で食べます。いつもは近いから家に帰って昼食を取るけど、今日は何かおいしそうなのがあるから)
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Cafeteria

  • Lunch room

My friends are waiting for me in the cafeteria. The cookies are the best from the cafeteria in the high school. We decorated the lunch room like a tropical island.
My friends are waiting for me in the cafeteria.(友達が食堂で待っています) The cookies are the best from the cafeteria in the high school.(この高校の食堂で一番おいしいのはクッキーです) We decorated the lunch room like a tropical island.(ランチルームを熱帯の島のように装飾しました)
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • dinning hall

  • lunch room

In england what my school would call the room that you eat your lunch in is a "dinning hall". Dinning hall is a formal place where you sit down at the table and eat a meal. "lunch room" is a casual way of saying a room where you have your lunch.
イングランドにある私の学校では昼食を食べる部屋は "Dining hall" と呼ばれています。"Dining hall" はテーブルに座って食事をするフォーマルな場所です。 "Lunch room" は昼食をとる部屋を意味するカジュアルな言葉です。
Yazzyd DMM英会話講師
  • Canteen

  • Dining room

  • School cafeteria

Canteen Dining room School cafeteria I think in our school we called it the dining room, but the others make perfect sense as well. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Canteen Dining room School cafeteria (食堂) 私の学校では "Dining room" と呼ばれていたと思います。ただ、他の二つでも間違いなく伝わります。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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