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What do you do for fun in your hometown?の答え方はどのようなものがベストですか?
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2017/06/23 02:32
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  • We have a lot of cinemas/parks/restaurants/shopping centres/tourist attractions in my hometown.

  • I normally go out to a restaurant/theatre/museum with my friends.

  • I like to hang out with friends in the town centre.

When someone asks 'what do you do for fun in your hometown?' it is common to tell them about the main activities or popular venues in your hometown. It can be cinemas, national parks, tourist attractions, restaurants etc. You can also tell them what you like to do (on weekends and/or evenings). I hope this helps!
What do you do for fun in your hometown?に対する返答なら、いちばんよくするアクティビティや、人気の場所を答えるといいですよ。 例えば映画館、国立公園、観光地、レストランなどがありますね。 週末や仕事後によくすることを伝えるのもいいですね。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I go hiking, sometimes camping in rural areas.

  • I visit the movies, I eat out with friends and families.

hiking or trekking = walking in the mountainous or rural areas. eating out = visiting restaurants.
hiking or trekking=山や田舎の地域を歩くこと eating out=レストランを訪れること
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I enjoying sightseeing in my home town

  • 2. I enjoy going to local hot spots in my home town

1. Sightseeing- When you go sightseeing you go to 'see the sights' and famous or well known attractions in your town. 2. Local hot spots- Hot spots are the popular restaurants, bars and attractions in your town.
1.”Sightseeing”とは”sights”(観光スポット)を見に行くことです。2.”Local hot spots”の”hot spots”とは街で有名なレストラン、バー、観光スポットのことです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • There are numerous restaurants and cinemas.

  • I enjoy the beaches and the wild countryside.

  • I like visiting period buildings: mansions, castles and bridges.

Nearly everyone enjoys restaurants and cinemas so this is a very typical response for many people. Another type of person would perhaps enjoy 'The great outdoors' which means, the countryside, coastline, hills, mountains, lakes, cliffs and rivers. There are many seaside-based activities such as surfing, sailing, kite sailing, kayaking and ski boat riding. Or for the more relaxed person, sunbathing and enjoying the scenery. Visiting old buildings is quite a popular activity in the UK and there is an organisation called 'The National Trust' which manages numerous properties of historical interest all over the UK.
ほぼすべての人がレストランや映画館を楽むものなので、多くの人々にとって非常に典型的な反応でしょう。そうでなければアウトドア、田舎、海岸線、丘、山、湖、崖、川を楽しんでいるでしょう。サーフィン、セーリング、カイトセーリング、カヤック、スキーボート乗りなど、海辺のアクティビティは多くあります。また、よりリラックスしたい人のために、日光浴や景色を楽しむ場所もあるでしょう。古い建物を訪れることは英国では非常に一般的な活動であり、英国の歴史遺産を管理する「The National Trust」と呼ばれる組織があります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I usually go sightseeing.

  • I love nature, so I usually go hiking.

usually - generally sightseeing - If you go sightseeing or do some sightseeing, you travel around visiting the interesting places that tourists usually visit. nature - existing system of things hike - walk for a long distance ------------------------------------------ Examples : What time do you usually go to bed? I’m going sightseeing for the rest of the day. John's interest was in nature, wildlife, and birds. We went for a hike through the woods on Sunday.
usually - 通常 sightseeing - go sightseeing(観光に行く)または do some sightseeing(観光をする)とは、観光客が通常訪れる面白い場所を旅で訪れることです。 nature - 存在する物の体系 hike - 長い距離を歩く ------------------------------------------ 例 : What time do you usually go to bed?(普段何時に寝ますか?) I’m going sightseeing for the rest of the day.(今日の残りは観光をする予定です) John's interest was in nature, wildlife, and birds.(ジョンは自然、野生動物、鳥に興味があります) We went for a hike through the woods on Sunday.(私たちは日曜日森にハイキングに行きました)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I like a drink in one of the locals pubs.

  • I meet friends in a club and have a dance.

  • I like to eat in one of the many restaurants.

There are many facilities in most towns. They can be bars, restaurants, clubs, sports centres, shopping centres, libraries etc.. Your answer to the questions depends on what your hobbies and interests are. Hope that helps Jane :)
街中では沢山の施設や設備があります。 例えば: バー、レストラン、クラブ、スポーツ施設、ショッピングセンター、図書館です。 自分が好きなところを紹介すればいいと思います。 お役に立てれば幸いです。Jane:)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • I like to hang out at my friends house and have barbeques.

  • I like to go to the shopping malls and window shop.

The question "what do you do for fun in your home town?" is a question that is asking what are some fun things that are available in your hometown, that you enjoy doing. To answer such a question, a person can answer by referring to activities that are available in their hometown that they like to do. In my case, these are some things that I like to do: - 1. I like to hang out at my friends house and have barbeques. 2. I like to go to the shopping malls and window shop.
"What do you do for fun in your home town?"は「地元では何をするのが好きですか」という意味です。答え方としては、自分が地元でするのが好きなことを伝えるといいでしょう。 私の場合は、こんなことをするのが好きです: 1. I like to hang out at my friends house and have barbeques. [訳]友達の家でバーベキューをするのが好きです 2. I like to go to the shopping malls and window shop. [訳]ショッピングモールに行ってウィンドウショッピングをするのが好きです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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