世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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naomi kanazawaさん
2017/09/16 22:22
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  • Are the French people pro-Japanese.

  • Does French people like to visit Japan.

You can use the following sentences to structure your sentences: 1)Are the French people pro-Japanese. 2)Does French people like to visit Japan.
次の表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 1)Are the French people pro-Japanese. フランス人は親日家ですか? 2)Does French people like to visit Japan. フランス人は日本に行くのが好きですか?
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Do you like Japanese people generally?

  • What is your view of Japanese people?

  • Are the French generally Pro-Japanese?

*Do you like Japanese people generally? * MEANING= this is asking if, in general you like Japanese people? That can mean a whole country – so this is quite a vague question. *What is your view of Japanese people? * MEANING= what is your view- means what is your opinion on… so its similar to the first phrase. *Are the French generally Pro-Japanese? * MEANING= this is a direct question asking whether on the whole do French people like Japanese people. With this question its hard to get a straight answer as its difficult for one nation to generalize another, but good luck!
*Do you like Japanese people generally? * 意味= これは一般的に日本人のことが好きかどうかを尋ねる文です。 国全体を指すことも可能なため、かなり曖昧な質問と言えるでしょう。 *What is your view of Japanese people? * 意味= 日本人に対してどう思っているか? これも最初の文と同様にかなり曖昧です。 *Are the French generally Pro-Japanese? * 意味= これは直接的な言い方ですが、フランス人は日本人に対して一般的に好きなのかどうかを尋ねる質問です。 一つの国の意見を一般化するのは難しいため、この質問に関してはストレートな答えを得るのは難しいと思います。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Are French people interested in Japan?

  • Do the French visit Japan often?

To find out if a particular nationality (French) is interested in another (Japanese), you can ask: Are French people interested in Japan? By asking 'Are French people' it implies the majority or a lot of French people. You can also say Are the French interested in Japan? 'The French' also implies the majority of French people. To be interested in Japan - This is a polite way of asking if they like Japan. Another way of detecting if they like Japan is to ask if they like to visit Japan often: Do the French visit Japan often? When a group of people visit a country often, it means they are interested in it and enjoy meeting people from that country. I hope that helps!
特定の国(この場合はフランス)が他の国(この場合は日本)に興味があるかどうかを知りたいなら、このように聞くことができます。 Are French people interested in Japan? 'Are French people' と聞くことで、フランス人の大多数について聞いていることがわかります。 また、こう言うこともできます。 Are the French interested in Japan? The French もフランス人の大多数を意味します。 be interested in Japan - これは日本が好きかどうかを丁寧に聞く言い方です。 また、日本を訪れることが好きかどうかを聞くと、日本が好きかどうかも推測できます。 Do the French visit Japan often? 団体がある国をよく訪れるということは、その国に興味があり、その国の出身の人と会うことも楽しむということを意味するでしょう。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • What views does the French people have on the Japanese?

  • Are French people interested in the Japanese culture?

>What views does the French people have on the Japanese? *This is asking how the French people see the Japanese from there point of view. *Point of view=the position from which something or someone is observed. ..................................................... >Are French people interested in the Japanese culture? *interested=showing curiosity or concern about something or someone; having a feeling of interest. ......................***....................***/..............
What views does the French people have on the Japanese? *これは、フランス人には日本人がどう見えているのか尋ねる表現です。 *Point of view=ある視点からのものの見方。 Are French people interested in the Japanese culture? *interested=何かに興味関心を示すこと。関心があること。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Do the French like the Japanese?

  • Do French people make Japanese people feel at home?

  • Are French people warmhearted towards Japanese people?

Warmhearted = marked by ready affection, cordiality, generosity, or sympathy. To feel at home = to be at one's ease, to feel comfortable in a different environment. "I really felt at home when I stayed in Italy! I had everything I needed and the people were so friendly!" Eg "I'm going to Paris in May!" "Wonderful! "Are French people warmhearted towards Japanese people?" "I'm not sure. I just know they like to speak French!"
Warmhearted =いつでも愛情を注げる、心遣いのある、寛大な、情に溢れているという意味 To feel at home = 違った環境でも快適に感じて過ごすことができる。 例:"I really felt at home when I stayed in Italy! I had everything I needed and the people were so friendly!" (イタリアに滞在した時、家に居るみたいに居心地が良かったんだよね!必要なものは全て揃うし、人はフレンドリーだし!) 例:"I'm going to Paris in May!"(5月にパリに行くんだ!) "Wonderful! (良いね!) "Are French people warmhearted towards Japanese people?" (フランス人って日本人に優しいかな?) "I'm not sure. I just know they like to speak French!" (どうだろう。でもフランス語を話すのは大好きだよ!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are the French pro Japanese?

  • Do French people like Japan/Japanese people?

If someone is 'pro' something it means they like it so if you are asking if the French like Japan/Japanese people then you can say 'Are the french pro-Japanese?' as well as 'Do French people like Japan/Japanese people?'
接頭辞の 'pro' は、何かが好きな人を表します。 ですから、フランス人が日本/日本人のことが好きかどうか尋ねるなら、 'Do French people like Japan/Japanese people?'(フランス人は日本/日本人が好きですか) に加えて、 'Are the french pro-Japanese?'(フランス人は親日ですか) と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Are you pro-Japanese?

  • Do you like Japanese people?

"Are you pro-Japanese?" This is a question asking if the individual or persons are fond/like Japanese people. "Do you like Japanese people?" A straight,simple and easy question asking if the individual or persons 'like' or are fond/ a good view on Japanese people.
"Are you pro-Japanese?"(あなたは親日家ですか) は、相手に日本人が好きかどうかを尋ねています。 "Do you like Japanese people?"(日本人が好きですか) は、単刀直入でシンプルな質問です。日本人が好きかどうか尋ねています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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