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sakura hitomiiさん
2018/05/15 20:16
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  • In France, July is in which season?

  • In France, what season is July in?

On July' is wrong. Use 'In July.' (Other anchor's suggestion.) Alternatively, you could say: "In France, is July in summer, spring, autumn or winter? or, you could guess: "Is July in summer in France?"
(ほかのアンカーさんが提案している)「On July」は間違いです。「In July」を使いましょう。 別の言い方としては: "In France, is July in summer, spring, autumn or winter? (フランスで、7月は夏、春、秋、そして冬のうちどの季節?) 或いは、推測して: "Is July in summer in France?" (フランスで7月は夏の季節?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is the season in France on July?

What is the season in France on July? 「7月のフランスの季節は何ですか。」 このように表現できます。ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • What season is it in July in France?

  • What is the weather like in France in July?

"What season is it in July in France?" This is a polite way of asking the person to explain to you which season it is in July in France. Eg: "What season is it in July in France?- It is Summer in France in July. "What is the weather like in France in July?" This politely asks the person to tell you what the weather is like in France in July. Eg: "What is the weather like in France in July?"- It warm and sunny because it is Summer.
「What season is it in July in France?」は、フランスでは7月は季節は何になるのか聞くときの丁寧な言い方です。 例文:What season is it in July in France?- It is Summer in France in July. フランスでは、7月は季節は何になりますか?夏です。 「What is the weather like in France in July?」は、7月はフランスではどんな天気になるのか聞く丁寧な言い方です。 例文:What is the weather like in France in July?- It warm and sunny because it is Summer. 7月はフランスではどんな天気になりますか?夏なので、暖かくて晴れています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What season is it in July?

  • What is the season like in July?

  • What is the weather/ temperature like in France in the month of July?

Most countries celebrate the summer solstice at the same time but you can always ask, "What season is it in July?" to a person living in France, even if you do not say France it will be implied because that is where they live. You can also ask, "What is the season like in July?" This is asking if it is more summer like or spring like in the month of July. If you are curious about the weather or climate you can always ask, "What is the weather/ temperature like in France in the month of July?" Depending on where they live they'll give you a different response. Bonne chance! (good luck!)
ほとんどの国では、the summer solstice (夏至)を同じ時期 に祝います。でも、"What season is it in July?" (7月はどんな 季節なの?)と、フランスに住んでいる人に聞くことは出来 ますね。自分が住んでるところですので、フランスと言わな くても分かるかもしれませんね。 ほとんどの国が「summer solstice (夏至)」を同じ時に祝いますが: "What season is it in July?" (7月はどんな季節なの?) と聞いても全く問題ありません。相手はフランスに住んでいるわけですから「France」と言わなくてもニュアンスで伝わります。 ほかに: "What is the season like in July?" (7月はどんな感じの気候なの?) という聞き方もあります。これは、そこの7月が夏寄りなのか春寄りなのかを、聞く言い方です。 天気や気候について興味があるなら: "What is the weather/temperature like in France in the month of July?" (7月のフランスの天気/気温はどんな様子なの?) と聞けます。住んでいる場所によって、様々な回答が得られると思います。 Bonne chance! (good luck!) - グッドラック!
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • What season is July in France?

You can ask "What season is July in France?" For Europe, July is in summer and is one of the hottest months of the year. It is traditionally the vacation period for French people.
"What season is July in France?" フランスでは、7月は季節は何ですか? ヨーロッパの7月は夏です、一年の中で最も暑い月の一つ。フランス人は昔からこの時期に休暇をとります。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • What season is it in July in France?

  • In France, what season is it in July?

To ask somebody what season it is in July, namely in France, you can do so in the following ways: "What season is it in July in France?" "In France, what season is it in July?"
「フランスの7月は季節は何ですか」は次のように言えます。 "What season is it in July in France?" "In France, what season is it in July?" (フランスの7月は季節は何ですか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • What season is it in July in France?

  • Is it winter or summer in France in July?

When you want to find out what season it is in France in July, then you can say: -What season is it in July in France? -Is it winter or summer in France in July?
7月のフランスの季節を知りたい場合は次のように質問できます。 -What season is it in July in France? (フランスの7月は何の季節ですか?) -Is it winter or summer in France in July?(フランスの7月は冬ですか?夏ですか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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