The animal is a giraffe.
Characterized by its long legs, long neck, and distinctive spotted pattern, many people first believed the giraffe was a cross between a leopard and a camel
A Giraffe
-a large African mammal with a very long neck and forelegs, having a coat patterned with brown patches separated by lighter lines.
It is the tallest living animal.
I hope this helps :-)
A Giraffe
This is the unmistakeable sight of a giraffe. They are extremely tall animals and can also run quite fast. people who go to take photos of these and other wild animals as a holiday or to enjoy getting close to them on a tour, are said to be: 'on safari.'
"Paul is in South Africa on safari with his wife."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, they are both keen photographers."
休日などに野生動物の写真を撮ったり、そう行った動物と触れ合うツアーなどをするところをon safariと呼ばれます。
"Paul is in South Africa on safari with his wife."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, they are both keen photographers."
"Giraffe" is an animal Native to Africa. It is very large, has four long legs and a long neck. They are normally a light brown color with darker patches all over their bodies.
The animal you are thinking of is a giraffe. A giraffe is a very distinctive looking mammal;
with it's long neck and the brown patch pattern on its body. A giraffe's spots are much like human fingerprints. No two individual giraffes have exactly the same pattern. Both male and female giraffes have two distinct, hair-covered horns called 'ossicones'. Male giraffes use their horns to sometimes fight with other males.
This animal is a giraffe, it is native to Africa. They are about 5m tall, making them the tallest animal in the world. Giraffes are herbivores, meaning it only eats plants.
Giraffe = an even-toed ungulate mammal. They are native to Africa. They are the tallest living terrestrial animals. They are also the largest grazing animal.
My favorite animal at the zoo is the giraffe.
I wonder if it's possible to keep a giraffe as a pet.
I heard that the reason giraffes have long necks is so they can eat leaves from tall trees.
Giraffe is singular, giraffes is plural. Giraffes are easily distinguished by their very long necks. They are a very tall animal. Giraffes are a popular attraction at zoo's around the world and also in African safaris where they are in their natural habitat.
Giraffes are really tall aren’t they.
Because their necks are so long, giraffes blood vessels are so strong!
キリンは首が長いですね ー Giraffes have long necks
今日は動物園でキリンを見ました ー We saw a giraffe at the zoo today
キリンのむらのあるパターンが好きです ー I like the spotty pattern that giraffes have
A giraffe is an African mammal that is also the tallest living animal and is normally a beige color with brown odd like spots on them. They have really long tongues and are herbivores which means they eat only plants. You can normally see these animals in the wild in Africa or in a zoo.
That is one crazy looking animal.
I know, its neck is so long.
And its checkers are amazing.
That is one beautiful giraffe.
I hope that helps.
Have a great day.
I have a stuffy of a giraffe at home that I've had since I was a child.
Giraffes are yellow, spotted animals with long necks.
「キリン」は英語で giraffe と言います。
Have you ever seen a giraffe before?
「キリン」は英語で 'giraffe' です。
ラテン語で 'Giraffa camelopardalis' で、キリン科に属している、哺乳類の動物です。アフリカに住んでいます。日本語で「ジラフ」とも言えます。
「キリンを見るために、子供たちを動物園に連れて行きました。」- 'I took the children to the zoo, to see the giraffes.'
「キリンはとても早く走れます。」- 'Girrafes can run really fast.'
the most common name for this animal is "giraffe". the giraffe is perhaps one of the most famous safari animals in Africa. it is uncommon to find them in other countries unless you are at the zoo.
A giraffe is an animal in the wild that has a very long neck. You may use the word "giraffe" in a sentence in the following ways:
-Giraffes are some of the most peaceful animals. They always seem to be happy to interact with human beings as long as they are being fed.
The Japanese translation of キリン to English is Giraffe.
The Tallest mammal on earth, most recognizable from their long slender neck, orange and white patchy fur and long legs. The Giraffe is a native to Africa.
A giraffe is a very large animal from Africa. They have four long legs and a long neck. They have a pattern of large spots. A male giraffe is called a bull, a female is called a cow, and a baby is called a calf.