「肉じゃが」は[日本の料理](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/43714/)なので、nikujaga と英語でググれば日本の「肉じゃが」に関する英語の記事がたくさん出てきますよ。もちろん、nikujaga とだけ言ってもほとんどの外国の方はなんのこっちゃわからないと思うので、英語で説明してあげるといいと思います。
「肉じゃが」はその名の通り肉とじゃがいもなので、meat and potatoes と表現できます。
例:I'll make you some nikujaga. It's a Japanese dish, meaning meat and potatoes.
Have you ever tried nikujaga?
sushi や ramen はそのまま英語になっているので、「肉じゃが」も世界的に人気が出ればいつか nikujaga が英語の辞書に乗る日が来るかもしれませんね。笑
私は"braised meat and potatoes"と説明しています。
2. Meat and vegetable stew with sweetened soy sauce
3. Meat, potato and vegetable stew with sweetened soy sauce and skinny noodles
1, Is the simplest explanation!
2. A short description with more detail about the taste.
3. A definitive description. 'Skinny noodles' refers to 'ito konnyaku' which is sometimes added to this dish.
Meat with potatoes, onion and sweetened soy sauce.
a Japanese dish of meat, potatoes and onion stewed in sweetened soy sauce and vegetables.
" Meat with potatoes, onion and sweetened soy sauce." and " a Japanese dish of meat, potatoes and onion stewed in sweetened soy sauce and vegetables." are two ways in which you can attempt to explain and describe nikujaga to a foreigner or someone who may not be familiar with it.
When we are trying to describe food we often mention the ingredients individually so the listener can have a better understanding of what it contains. Depending on your intention you may also want to use food adjectives to make it sound more appealing .Examples:
-Tender beef served with...
-succulent pork cooked with...
-fresh vegetables
-soft potatoes cooked with
-a scrumptious Japanese dish served warm with...
" Meat with potatoes, onion and sweetened soy sauce." お肉とじゃがいもと玉ねぎで甘めのしょうゆ味の料理。 " a Japanese dish of meat, potatoes and onion stewed in sweetened soy sauce and vegetables."日本の伝統的料理でお肉とじゃがいもと玉ねぎを甘めのしょうゆと野菜 で煮込んだ料理。日本の料理になじみがない外国人に紹介する言い方です。
-Tender beef served with...~と一緒に提供されるやわらかいお肉
-succulent pork cooked with...~と一緒に料理されたしっとりジューシーな豚肉料理
-fresh vegetables 新鮮な野菜
-soft potatoes cooked with~と一緒に料理されたやわらかいじゃがいも
-a scrumptious Japanese dish served warm with...あたたかい~と一緒に提供されるおいしい日本の料理
Nikujaga literally translates to meat and potatoes
niku - meat
jagaimo - potatoes
This is a Japanese dish
Meat and potatoes is an easy way to describe the dish to a foreigner
It lets people know what the dish is made of
A: What are we having for supper?
B: Nikujaga
A: What is that?
B: It's a Japanese beef and potato stew
Nikujaga literally translates to meat and potatoes 肉じゃがは直訳すると肉とじゃがいも
niku - meatのこと。肉
jagaimo - potatoesのこと。じゃがいも
This is a Japanese dish これは日本料理です。
A: What are we having for supper? 今日の晩御飯はなに?
B: Nikujaga 肉じゃがよ。
A: What is that?なにそれ?
B: It's a Japanese beef and potato stew 日本料理の牛肉とじゃがいもの煮込み料理のことよ。
We often do not change the name of dishes into English (for example: sushi or sashimi), so calling 肉じゃが simply "nikujaga" is appropriate, however you may want to explain it by also saying "Japanese potato and meat stew".
しかし、説明したい場合には"Japanese potato and meat stew"と言っても良いでしょう。