世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/21 19:30
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  • Which day is the rubbish / garbage / trash collected?

その他の表現: 以下、よりカジュアルな言い方になります。 - When's rubbish (collection) day? - When's trash (collection) day? - When's garbage (collection) day? trash / garbage = アメリカ英語 rubbish = イギリス英語
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • When can you put out the trash?

  • When is trash collected?

「ごみを出す」ことは動詞で「put out」と言います。 When can you put out the trash? いつごみを出せますか? When is trash collected? ごみはいつ収集されますか?
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • Which day do you put out the bins

  • When is rubbish day

  • What day are the bins collected

Rubbish day or bin day is the day when the rubbish is collected. We do not say trash or garbage in England Rubbish day is usually the day when the landfill rubbish is collected. There is a separate collection for recycled rubbish. The people who collect the rubbish are called binmen or more traditionally, dustmen
Rubbish day や bin dayとは、ゴミの回収日を指します。trashやgarbageとはイギリスでは言いません。 rubbish dayは、通常、普通ごみの回収日を表し、リサイクルゴミとは区別されます。 ゴミ回収人のことをBinmenまたはよりフォーマルにDustmenと呼びます。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • Garbage/trash/rubbish day

The dirt men normally come around once a week to collect the garbage. Can you tell me when the garbage gets collected, please? Which day is garbage day? When should I put out the garbage, for collection?
ゴミ収集の人は、週に一度、生ごみ回収にやってきますよね。 こちらの表現で伝わります。 例 Can you tell me when the garbage gets collected, please? 生ごみ回収はいつか教えてもらえますか? Which day is garbage day? 何曜日が生ごみの日ですか? When should I put out the garbage, for collection? いつ生ごみを出せばいいでしょうか?
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • When's rubbish day?

  • When do the bin men come round?

  • When do you put out the rubbish?

These are all UK expressions. 'Trash' or 'Garbage' are used in the USA, while 'Rubbish is the norm in the UK. In the UK, rubbish was traditionally put in metal bins outside the house, hence 'Bin man'. The modern equivalent is called a 'wheelie bin' which is a plastic container on wheels with a flip lid
全てイギリス英語の表現です。TrashやGarbageはアメリカで使われ、イギリスではRubbishが標準的に使われています。イギリスではRubbishは家の外にある金属のごみ箱に捨てられ、ごみ収集業者をそのためbin manと呼びます。最近では、プラスティックへと移り変わり、反対側に車輪がついている蓋つきのごみ箱がでてきて、wheelie binというように呼ばれています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When do you take out the trash?

  • Which day of the week do you take out the trash?

You can use the following sentences to ask: 1)When do you take out the trash? 2)Which day of the week do you take out the trash?
"以下の表現を使って尋ねることができます。 1) When do you take out the trash? 2) Which day of the week do you take out the trash?"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What day should I put out the trash?

  • what day is the trash/garbage/rubbish collected?

You can ask your host family any of these questions:- 1. What day should I put out the trash? 2. What day is the trash/garbage/rubbish day? The words "trash", 'garbage' and 'rubbish" all mean the same thing.
"これらの表現を使ってホストファミリーに質問することが出来ます。 1.What day should I put out the trash? 2.What day is the trash/ garbage/rubbish day? これらの、""trash"", 'garbage', 'rubbish""は、全部同じ意味です。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • When is rubbish day?

  • Could you tell me which day of the week you take out the trash?

Rubbish means useless waste or trash. So, for this purpose, both sentences can be used but the second one is preferable because it is more descriptive and if the person doesn't know the word rubbish, he/she will definitely understand the second question.
Rubbish' は「がらくた/ごみ」という意味です。 どちらの文も使えますが、二つ目の文がベターです。二つ目の文はより具体的で、'Rubbish' という語を知らない人にも伝わります。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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