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2017/11/22 15:23
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  • The number of lines drawn

  • The number of strokes

  • Stroke count

The usual way to describe the intricacy of Kanji is to talk about the 'number of strokes' or 'stroke count' of an individual character. To simplify this for western ears, you may just talk about the number of separate lines drawn to form one character. "This character requires a four strokes."
漢字の複雑さを説明するには通常その人の漢字の画数について話します。西洋の人に このことを分かりやすく説明するには、1つの漢字を書くために必要な別々の線に ついてだけ話すと良いでしょう。 例文 "This character requires a four strokes." この漢字は4画です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Stroke count

  • number of strokes.

When counting the number of strokes you would say: "The stroke count in kanji is...." or "The number of strokes in kanji is...."
画数を数えるとき、このように言います。 例文(「漢字の画数は~です。」) "The stroke count in kanji is...." "The number of strokes in kanji is...."
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • stroke count

  • numbers of stroke

You can say "stroke count" or "number of strokes." "Count" - you can count the number of strokes, and the number that you come up with is called "the count" A. Have you counted the cards left? B. Yes, and I came up with a final count of 5. A. Are you sure? B. Yes, I am sure! *a breeze passes by* B. Woah! Now there are only 3 cards! That was an amazing trick! Wow!
"stroke count"や"number of strokes"と言う事が出来ます。 "Count" - 画数を数えることが出来ます、この数の事を "the count"と呼びます。 A. Have you counted the cards left? (残りのカードを数えた?) B. Yes, and I came up with a final count of 5. (はい。最終的に5枚でした) A. Are you sure? (それは確か?) B. Yes, I am sure! (はい、確かです!) *a breeze passes by(そよ風が通り過ぎる)* B. Woah! Now there are only 3 cards! That was an amazing trick! Wow! (わぉ!たった3枚になった!すごいトリックだ!)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • number of strokes

  • number of tries

  • attempt count

"Number of strokes" can be used for the number of attempts that are made in a certain sport. "Number of tries" or "attempt count" can be used in reference to sports, but really can be used to refer to the number or times anything has been attempted or tried.
"Number of strokes" はスポーツで挑戦した回数を表すのに使われることがあります。 "Number of tries" または "Attempt count" はスポーツを含めあらゆることについて、挑戦した回数を表すのに使えます。
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • Number of strokes

  • Amount of strokes

  • Stroke count

If you are talking about how many of something this is also called the 'number' or the 'amount' so you would say 'amount of stokes' or 'number of stokes' 'stroke count' means the same (you have counted the number of strokes)
何かがどのくらいの数あるのか言うなら、それは 'number' または 'amount' で表せます。 'amount of stokes'(画数)または 'number of stokes'(同)と言えます。 'stroke count'(画数)も同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The number of strokes

  • The total stroke count

1) There are not very many other ways to say this. The number of strokes is grammatically correct and precisely answers the question. 2) The total stroke count is another way to answer this, but it would usually be used in a technical context. For example: "This sign's stroke count is clearly higher than that of the other sign, which signifies its complexity" or "The stroke count is an important aspect of Japanese Kanji".
1) これは他の言い方はあまりありません。"The number of strokes" は文法的に正しく、この質問に正確に答えています。 2) "The total stroke count" と言うこともできます。ただ、これはたいてい専門的な文脈で使われます。 例えば: "This sign's stroke count is clearly higher than that of the other sign, which signifies its complexity" (この記号の画数はもう一方よりも明らかに多く、その複雑さを表しています) "The stroke count is an important aspect of Japanese Kanji".(画数は漢字の重要な側面です)
Lennart DMM英会話講師
  • Stroke count

  • Number of strokes

  • Amount of strokes

"Stroke count" to 'count' something is to keep a list or record of the number of times something will happen. 'Amount' Is usually referred to the quantity of something.
"Stroke count"(画数) = 'to Count something' は、何かの起こる回数を記録することをいいます。 'Amount' は、物の「量」のことです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Number of strokes

  • Stroke count

Stroke - An act of hitting or striking someone or something. Example sentence: He received three strokes of the cane.
Stroke -〔人・物を〕打つこと。 例文: He received three strokes of the cane. (彼はむちで三回たたかれた)
Nataliz DMM英会話講師
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