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2017/12/03 23:33
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  • Thanks to the internet, information asymmetry is not as common.

  • There is not as much information asymmetry anymore thanks to the internet.

By saying something is "not as common..." you are saying it is now less (or lessening) than it was before. "There is not as much..." shows that something has now decreased from what is was before.
何かが "not as common..." と言う事によって以前より減っているという事を言い表すことが出来ます。 "There is not as much..."とは以前よりも減少しているという事を表しています。
Kirst English teacher
  • Information asymmetry is less of a factor thanks to the internet

Explanation: the internet makes information far more accessible so economic advantage due to this factor is far less. Example sentence: "Information asymmetry is virtually a thing of the past these days."
解説: インターネットによりさらに情報が得やすくなり、この要素の経済的利点が減少しています。 例文: "Information asymmetry is virtually a thing of the past these days." 情報の非対称性は事実上この3日間のことです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A level playing field...

  • We now have a more level playing field...Thanks to the internet, there is now much less chance of information asymmetry!

Asymmetric information, also known as information failure, occurs when one party to an economic transaction possesses greater material knowledge than the other party! With so much data freely available on the net there is now a reduction in the phenomenon known as Information asymmetry ! "We now have a more level playing field...Thanks to the internet, there is now much less chance of information asymmetry!"
information failureとしても知られているasymmetric information(情報の非対称性)は、経済取引において一方が他方よりも多くの重要な情報を持っている時に起こります。インターネットでかなり多くのデータが入手できるので、現在は、情報の非対称性という現象は少なくなっています。 例文 "We now have a more level playing field...Thanks to the internet, there is now much less chance of information asymmetry!" 今は競争の場は公平になっている、インターネットのおかげで、現在は情報の非対称性が起こる可能性はかなり少なくなっています。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Before the internet information was limited with great asymmetry.

  • Thanks to the arrival of the internet there has been a major reduction in information asymmetry.

  • Information asymmetry is a thing of the past thanks to the internet.

By suggesting that something is limited you are implying that it is restricting in either size or quality. The emergence of the internet has marked a new era with very few limitations. Everything is now more accessible such as keeping in touch and accessing information. A reduction suggests that there is less of something. A thing of the past implies that something no longer happens or exists.
物事がlimited(制限されている)と言うことで、大きさや量が制限されているということを暗に伝えています。インターネットの登場によって、制約がとても少ない時代になりました。連絡を取り合ったり情報の入手のように、あらゆることが利用しやすくなりました。 A reductionは、何かが少なくなったことを示しています。 A thing of the pastは、もはや起こらない又は存在しない物を暗に示しています。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • The internet has helped decrease instances of information asymmetry quite a bit.

  • Information asymmetry is no longer very common with the internet around.

  • There has been a decline in information asymmetry since the emergence of the internet.

We can now learn a lot about different topics through the internet. Before the internet existed, there were certain bits of information that would be hard to get a hold of. We can use the above sentences to express that. get a hold of: gain access to exist: to be real instance: occurance, a happening
今ではインターネットを通して、さまざまなトピックのたくさんのことを学ぶことができます。インターネットが生まれる前は、少しの情報を手に入れるのも大変でした。これを説明するには例の文を使うことができます。 get a hold of: 手に入れる exist: 存在すること instance: 出来事
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • The internet has made access to information more democratic

  • The internet has made access to information more egalitarian

These are both ways of saying that information is available more freely to more people. The term information asymmetry is clear but not commonly used (except as jargon).
これらは両方とも、情報はもっと自由にもっと多くの人に可能になったことを伝える表現です。 information asymmetryという言葉は、クリアですが、一般的にはつかわれません。(訳の分からない専門用語と捉えられます)
Tabitha DMM英会話講師
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