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ネイティブの友達や隣合わせになった好意的な外国人の方に、 「ちょっと発音チェックしてもらってもいい?」と気軽に短く聞くときのフレーズを教えてください!
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2018/01/06 17:16
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  • Could you check my pronunciation?

Could you check my pronunciation? 「私の発音をチェックしてくれますか。」 チェックは、checkで良いです。 発音はpronunciationといいます。 pronunciationの語源は、 pro-前に nunci-知らせるです。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • Will you help me with my pronunciation?

  • I would like you to help me with pronouncing words better.

  • Please help me with my pronunciations.

Most friends will be happy to help you with pronunciation. You can say, "Will you help me with my pronunciation?", "I would like you to help me with pronouncing words better.", "Please help me with my pronunciations." or "would you please help me with my pronunciations?
たいていの友達は喜んで発音を手伝ってくれると思います。 次のように言えます。 "Will you help me with my pronunciation?" (発音を手伝ってもらえますか) "I would like you to help me with pronouncing words better." (発音を手伝ってもらいたいです) "Please help me with my pronunciations." (発音を手伝ってください) "Would you please help me with my pronunciations? (発音を手伝ってもらえますか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Please advise me of any mispronunciation

Explanation: It may be necessary to be very specific in order to get the kind of pronunciation check you want. Would you like every error noted or just the major ones? Do you prefer to be told immediately if you make a mistake or when you have finished speaking? etc. Example sentence: "Please stop me immediately if my pronunciation is incorrect."
解説:あなたが望むような発音チェックにはかなり限定的になる必要があるかもしれません。間違いすべてを指摘して欲しいのか、それとも主要なものだけなのか?間違いの直後に指摘して欲しいのか、それとも話し終わったあとに言って欲しいのか? 例文: "Please stop me immediately if my pronunciation is incorrect." (私の発音が間違っている時には即座に止めてください。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct my pronunciation.

  • How is my pronunciation?

  • How would you correct my pronunciation?

"Please correct my pronunciation." This is a polite request for the listener to give you feedback. "How is my pronunciation?" This question may tell you if your pronunciation is poor or not. "How would you correct my pronunciation?" This question will give you more specific feedback.
"Please correct my pronunciation."(発音を直してください) これは、相手のフィードバックを求める丁寧な言い方です。 ---- "How is my pronunciation?"(私の発音はどうですか) この質問で発音が悪いかどうかが分かるでしょう。 ---- "How would you correct my pronunciation?"(発音のどう直したら良いですか) これは、より具体的なフィードバックを求めています。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct any mispronunciation.

  • Am I saying this right/correctly?

  • Could you check if I am pronouncing this correctly?

All three of the above expressions convey to the listener to be on the lookout for any words that are mispronounced. Any one of these three expressions would be uttered prior to saying something you desire to be critiqued. It is important to remember that this word is commonly mis-spelled and therefore mis-pronounced. We work on our pronunciation, but we pronounce the words. Many non native speakers will incorrectly say PRONOUNCIATION.
これらは全て、発音に間違いがないか確認して欲しいと伝える言い方です。 これらの表現は全て、チェックしてもらいたいことを言う前に使います。 この単語は間違ってつづられることが多いです。ですから発音も間違ってしまいます。 「発音」は "pronunciation" ですが「発音する」は "pronounce" です。ノンネイティブの人はよく間違って "PRONOUNCIATION" と言います。
Steve Tr DMM英会話講師
  • Could you check my pronounciaton?

  • Can you make sure my pronounciation is correct?

  • Will you help me with my pronounciation?

If you are not sure if you are pronouncing words correctly then you could ask the person to 'check your pronounciation' or to 'make sure your pronounciation is correct' you can also ask someone to 'help you with your prokounciation'
言葉を正しく発音できているか自信がないなら、 Could you check my pronounciaton?(発音を確認してもらえますか) Can you make sure my pronounciation is correct?(発音を確認してもらえますか) とお願いできます。 他に、 Will you help me with my pronounciation?(発音を確認してもらえますか) と頼んでもいいです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Please can you check my pronunciation?

  • Please correct my pronunciation as I speak.

  • Will you correct my pronunciation?

You can use the word 'check' or 'correct' to ask for help with your pronunciation. This will allow the native speaker to know that you would like to be corrected when making a mistake pronouncing a word. It is polite to say 'please' in English but this isn't imperative. You can also ask this as a question in the form of 'can you...' , 'could you...' or 'will you...' or as a statement, but requesting that the native speaker complete the task of correcting you.
発音を確認してもらいたい時には、'check' あるいは 'correct' が使えます。 これで、発音を間違えたときは直して欲しいと伝わります。 英語では 'please' と言うと丁寧になりますが、これは必須ではありません。 また、'can you...' 'could you...' 'will you...' と質問として尋ねてもいいですし、平叙文として、直してくださいとお願いすることもできます。
Leanne D DMM英会話講師
  • Can you check my pronunciation?

  • If I say something wrong,, can you correct me?

  • Can you correct me when I pronounce something incorrectly?

There are many ways to ask a native speaker to check your pronunciation (the way in which you make the sound of a word in a correct or particular way). The first example is a formal and simple way to ask. "Can you check my pronunciation?" is direct and straight to the point. A native speaker will understand and may be impressed by your direct question. The next questions is more relaxed and has more meaning. By including the word 'if' (conjunction meaning despite the possibility) gives off the impression that you do not expect to pronounce many things incorrectly. You are in effect saying, "there is a possibility that I can incorrectly pronounce a word so can you correct me?" The last example "Can you correct me when I pronounce something incorrectly?", gives off the impression that you DO expect to make mistakes, so you would be letting the native speaker know to really listen and correct the mistakes. This can either impress the native speaker since it shows you are honest with yourself or it can do the opposite showing you lack the needed confidence in learning a new language.
発音を確認して欲しいとネイティブスピーカーにお願いする言い方はたくさんあります。 一つ目の例はフォーマルでシンプルです。"Can you check my pronunciation?"(発音をチェックしてもらえますか)は単刀直入です。相手のネイティブスピーカーは理解してくれるでしょうし、そのストレートな質問に感心するかもしれません。 二つ目の質問はより打ち解けた言い方で、意味が広いです。「もし」という意味の接続詞 'if' を使うと、「発音のミスはそんなに多くないだろう」というニュアンスになります。 最後の "Can you correct me when I pronounce something incorrectly?"(発音を間違えたときは直してくれますか) これは、「たぶんミスをする(だから直して欲しい)」というニュアンスです。これは、正直に伝えているということで相手は感心するか、もしくはその反対、自信を欠いているという印象になることもあります。
Maya Jo DMM英会話講師
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