世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/14 07:05
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  • What college is the most difficult to get into in your country.

  • What is the hardest college to attend.

  • Which college has the most strenuous vetting process?

You can also simply say "What is the most prestigious college in your country?"
"What is the most prestigious college in your country?" (あなたの国の一番の名門大学は何ですか?) とシンプルに訊くこともできます。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Which is the most coveted university in Japan?

To covet is a verb meaning that you really want something, or be part of that thing. One of the Ten Commandments in the Christian religion is: "Thou shalt not covet another person's wife." Exodus 20:17. Even though that may be very difficult and you are only looking at an attractive woman, the sin is in 'wanting'! So, something which is 'coveted' is desired by many people. "James won a coveted gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics 1964."
covetというのは、あなたが何かを本当に欲しい、またはなりたいということを意味する動詞です。 キリスト教のモーセの十戒の一つは、 「他人の妻を欲してはいけない。」出エジプト記20章より それはとても難しくて、魅力的な女性を見ただけであったとしても、欲することは罪です。 そのため、something which is covetedというのは、多くの人が求めるもののことを言います。 例文 "James won a coveted gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics 1964." 「ジェームズは1964年の東京オリンピックでみんなが欲していた金メダルを勝ち取った。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is the hardest college to get into in your country?

  • What is the college with the lowest acceptance rates in your country?

"What is the hardest college to get into in your country?" あなたの国の最難関の大学は何ですか? "What is the college with the lowest acceptance rates in your country?" あなたの国の一番合格率が低い大学は何ですか? "the lowest acceptance"で最も合格率の低いとなります。"The 動詞+est"が何かを強調したいときに使われます。
Daisuke U 英語講師
  • Hardest

  • Difficult

*Hardest/Difficult refers to not easy. Example Sentences: In your country which University/College/Institution is difficult to enrol into? Which is the hardest college/University in your country to register with?
*Hardest/Difficult(難しい) これらは簡単じゃないという意味になります。 【例文】 In your country which University/College/Institution is difficult to enrol into? (あなたの国では、どの大学に入学するのが難しいですか?) Which is the hardest college/University in your country to register with? (どこの大学に入るのがあなたの国では一番難しいですか?)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Which university in your country is the toughest to get into?

  • Which is the most challenging university in your country to get into?

▪ Which university in your country is the toughest to get into? Toughest is the most difficult. Very hard to pass. ▪ Which is the most challenging university in your country to get into? Challenging = very demanding and difficult Both sentences are asking the person which of the universities in his/her country is the hardest or toughest to get into.
▪ Which university in your country is the toughest to get into? あなたの国で一番入るのが難しい大学はどこですか? Toughestは一番難しいという意味です。合格することが非常に困難ということを表します。 ▪ Which is the most challenging university in your country to get into? あなたの国で入学が一番難しい大学はどこですか? Challenging=努力がたくさん必要な、難しい 両方の文章ともその国で入学最難関の大学はどこかということを聞いています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • the top university...

  • Many will fail to gain entry to the top universities...due to their popularity

The ultimate...or highests calibre is often called "The top" ....(insert) The top doctor in his field of expertise..The top of the class...In the top 3 etc. In this case there is a huge supply and demand conflict... Only the best will reach acceptance to the top universities in ....?? Many will fail to gain entry to the top universities...due to their popularity
この"ultimate"(究極の)や"highests calibre "(最高の)などは "The top"(最上級の/超一流の)~と言われます。 "The top doctor"(超一流の医者)とはその分野で彼は専門家と言う事になります。 "The top of the class"(クラスで一番) "In the top 3"(3位以内)などなど この場合は、需要と供給の不一致があります。 最高の人だけが"the top universities"(一流大学)へ受け入れられるのでしょうか ....?? 大学が人気があることによって、多くの人が一流大学への入学に失敗します。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • What college/university is the hardest to get into in your country

  • What is the most prestigious college to get into in your country

When wanitng to go to a college/university then you might want to pick the best one to do better in your studies if you are unsure of the country/area then you might have to ask advice to make sure you get it right Prestigious means to have a high standard or status and might there be hard to get into
大学に進学するなら、一番良い学校で勉強したいと思うかもしれません。もしその国や場所についてよく知らないのなら、人にアドバイスを求める必要があるかもしれませんね。 'Prestigious'は、地位の高い(入るのが難しい)大学を表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What is the highest university in your country?

  • What university from your country has the lowest admission rate?

  • What is the most prestigious university in your country?

In America, we use the word "high" when we talk about prestige and great status. We also judge a school's prestige by their admission rate, or the amount of students who get accepted compared to how many get rejected. Those with a low admission rate are considered more prestigious and harder to get into.
Mick J DMM英会話講師
  • What university is the most difficult to get into in your country?

  • What is the most prestigious university in your country?

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) What university is the most difficult to get into in your country? 「どの大学があなたの国で入るのが最も難しいですか?」 What is the most prestigious university in your country? 「あなたの国で最も名のある大学はどれですか?」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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