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「転居先を教えて下さい」は英語でなんて言いますか? 転居は引っ越しと言う意味です。 転居すると市区町村に「転居届」を提出します。
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2018/01/29 14:03
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  • moving

  • relocating

When you leave one home to a new one, it is usually called "moving" or "moving house". The term "relocation" means moving but is usually used when you're moving cities. For example, people would usually say "I am moving into a new home next week" when they buy a new house. Another example is when someone is moving to a different city, they would say "I am relocating to New York for work". It is also appropriate to use the word "moving" in that situation.
ある場所から別の場所へ引っ越すことを、普通"moving"とか"moving house"と言います。"relocation"も引っ越すという意味ですが普通は住んでる都市を変えるという意味になります。例えば、新しい家を買った時は以下のように言えます。 "I am moving into a new home next week" (来週、新しい家に引っ越すの。) また、別の例ですが誰かが違う都市に引っ越す時は、以下のように言えます。 "I am relocating to New York for work." (仕事でニューヨークに引っ越すんです。) この例で"moving"という単語を使うのもオッケーですよ。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Moving

  • Relocating

  • Changing residence

If you are moving from one place where you lived to another place to live, this can be described as either moving, relocating or changing residence. Example:- 1. We will be moving from Osaka to Tokyo next month. 2. My family will be relocating to the UNited States in February. 3. I have to inform the bank that I have changed residence.
ある場所から別の場所へ引っ越す時は、"moving"、"relocating"、"changing residence"(転居)と言うことができます。 例えば、 1. We will be moving from Osaka to Tokyo next month. (私たちは来月、大阪から東京に引っ越すんですよ。) 2. My family will be relocating to the UNited States in February. (私の家族は2月に、アメリカに引っ越すんですよ。) 3. I have to inform the bank that I have changed residence. (銀行に引っ越したと伝えなければならない。) という風に言えます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Moving

  • Relocating

The process of moving house is most commonly called "moving" or "relocating" We are moving to a new house. We are relocating to London.
家を変わることの最も一般的な言い方は "moving"又は "relocating"です。 例文 We are moving to a new house. 新しい家に引っ越します We are relocating to London. ロンドンに引っ越します
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I am moving.

  • move out

  • resettle

When you are moving to a new home there are a few ways to say this. One way is to say you are "moving out" of your current home. Example sentence, "I am moving out of my home and I am going to live elsewhere". A common way to say you are leaving your home is to say, "I am moving". Another way to say that you are moving is to say, "I am moving and I will resettle somewhere else".
新しい家に引っ越すことを表現する方法はいくつかあります。ひとつは現在の家から引っ越す"moving out"と言えます。例文としては、次のとおりです。 "I am moving out of my home and I am going to live elsewhere".(私は今の家を出ようしていて、他の場所へ引っ越します) 家を出ようとしていることを伝える一般的な方法は "I am moving"です。引っ越しをすることの別の言い方もあります。 "I am moving and I will resettle somewhere else". (私は引っ越しをしようとしていて、どこか他の場所へ住むでしょう)
Laura M DMM英会話講師
  • Moving

  • Moving home

  • Relocating

Explanation:- 'Moving home' is often shortened to just 'moving' when speaking in context Sample sentence:- "We're moving to the south of France in September."
Moving home'は文脈で察することができる場面ではよく 'moving' と省略して使われます。 例文: "We're moving to the south of France in September." (9月に私達は南フランスに引っ越します。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Moving house

  • Relocating

Moving house is the action or an act of moving from one house to another. Relocating means to move to a new place and establish a home or business there.
「to move house」は「住居を移す」ことを言います。 「to relocate」は「引っ越しする、移転する」という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Moving house

  • Relocating

  • Moving

To tell someone you are moving house you could simply say you are 'moving' but to be clear you would say 'moving house' You could also say you are 'relocating' meaning moving to a different area/house
引っ越しをすることはシンプルに'moving'と言えますが、より明確に言うなら'moving house'が使えます。 また、'relocating'と言うこともできます。これは「引っ越す、移転する」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Moving house.

  • Relocating.

  • Moving.

Moving house. Relocating. Moving. I would say most people just say, 'we're moving,' the fact that you are moving house or office is implied considering the situation and context of the conversation. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Moving house. Relocating. Moving. (引っ越し) たぶんほとんどの人は単に 'We're moving'(引っ越します)と言います。それが「転居」なのかそれとも「オフィスの移転」なのかは文脈で分かるはずです。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Moving to

  • Moving out

I will move to ○○. I am moving out. とういうように使い分けが出来ます。 またbe going to は近い将来、既に決まっている事。 willは遠い将来を表現します。 「転居先を教えて下さい」Can you please tell me your new address?
  • to relocate

  • to move

  • I got a new job in another town so we have to move.

When talking about the act of transporting your things from one house to another, native speakers use the verbs "to move" or "to relocate." EX) -I got a new job in another town so we have to move. -Moving is very tiring. - I just relocated to this town from Tokyo. - Tony had to relocate to the US because of his wife's job.
「引っ越し」について言う場合、ネイティブスピーカーは "to move" または "to relocate" という動詞を使います。 例) -I got a new job in another town so we have to move.(別の町で働くことになったから、引っ越ししないといけない) -Moving is very tiring.(引っ越しは骨が折れる) - I just relocated to this town from Tokyo.(最近東京からこの町に越してきました) - Tony had to relocate to the US because of his wife's job.(トニーは奥さんの仕事の関係でアメリカに引っ越さなければならなかった)
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Moving location

  • Relocating

  • Decamp

"Moving location" is an easy way of saying that you are moving to a different place. It can be a different house or a different work location. If you want to specify that it is a different house then you can say: "I am moving house". If you are moving to a different job then you can say: "I am moving to a different work location". "I am moving to a different work location, so therefore I won't be able to have lunch with you anymore, because my new work location is very far" "Relocating" is another way of saying moving to a different location. It works the same way as the previous example. "I have to give you my new address because I have relocated since the last time we spoke" "Decamp" means that you are moving to another location suddenly and secretly. You probably wouldn't tell anybody because maybe you did something bad and you want to get away to a place where nobody knows you. "He decamped to Europe soon after news of the scandal broke"
"Moving location" は「別の場所に移る」という意味のシンプルな表現です。これは「住居」または「職場」について用いられます。 それが「住居」であることを明確にしたいなら、 "I am moving house".(引っ越します) と言えます。 「職場が変わる」ということなら、 "I am moving to a different work location".(勤務地が変わります) と言えます。 "I am moving to a different work location, so therefore I won't be able to have lunch with you anymore, because my new work location is very far"(勤務地が変わるので、もう一緒にランチはできません。ここからすごく遠い所なので) "Relocating" も「移転する/転居する」という意味を表します。一つ目の表現と同じように使えます。 "I have to give you my new address because I have relocated since the last time we spoke"(引っ越しをしたので、新しい住所を教えないといけません) "Decamp" は「こっそり[突然に]姿をくらます」という意味です。あるいは何か悪いことをして知り合いがいない場所に逃げるときなどに使われます。 "He decamped to Europe soon after news of the scandal broke"(彼はスキャンダルが発覚してすぐにヨーロッパに逃げた)
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • change of residence

" change of residence" meaning that you are moving to a different place or home. " residence" your place that you would call home and where you live every day
"change of residence" は別の場所・家に引っ越すことをいいます。 "residence" は「〔毎日生活する〕家/住居」を指します。
Yazzyd DMM英会話講師
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