世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/30 02:01
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  • I completely forgot to write a report.

  • I totally forgot about the deadline for my report.

forget to Vで「~するのを忘れる」です。「すっかり忘れる」の「すっかり」はcompletelyやtotallyをよく使いますよ。reportをessayと言う人も多いです。日本語で「エッセイ」というと軽い読み物をイメージすることが多いですが、大学で課されるレポートをessayと言うのは一般的ですから、知っておくとよいと思います。 参考になれば幸いです。
Yutaka K やわらか英語コーチ
  • Doing my report completely slipped my mind

Explanation: To slip one's mind means to forget something temporarily - perhaps because you are concentrating on something else. Example sentence: "I should have met my friend in the pub at 6pm but it completely slipped my mind."
【説明】 "slip one's mind"(ついうっかり忘れる)とは一時的に何かをすっかり忘れてしまう事を言います。 何かに集中しているのかもしれないですね。 【例文】 "I should have met my friend in the pub at 6pm but it completely slipped my mind." (6時に飲み屋で友達と会う事になっていましたが、すっかり忘れていました)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I totally forgot to do the report & it's due today.

  • I completely forgot to do the report and it has to submitted by today.

*I totally forgot to do the report & it's due today/ l completely forgot to do the report and it has to submitted by today.-totally means completely. A due date is a day on which an assignment must be completed. Example Sentences: The article is due today and I forgot to do it. Please remember all assignments are due today.
*I totally forgot to do the report & it's due today (今日締め切りのリポートを書くのをすっかり忘れていました) * l completely forgot to do the report and it has to submitted by today. (今日提出締め切りのリポートをかく -"totally"(完全に)とは全くと言う意味です。 "due date"(締め切り日)とは宿題などの提出期限日の事です。 【例文】 The article is due today and I forgot to do it. (この記事の締め切りは今日ですが、完全にやるのを忘れていました。 Please remember all assignments are due today. (宿題は今日が締め切りだという事を覚えておいてください)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I totally forgot!

  • I completely forgot!

Totally' and 'completely' are used to describe that you did not remember at all that you were required to write the paper. It infers that you forgot almost immediately after you were first told to do it.
Totally'や 'completely'は、あなたがレポートを書くことを”完全に”忘れていた、 と言う事を表現しています。 これは、レポートを書くように言われてすぐに忘れてしまった、 と言う事もほのめかしています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I completely forgot to write a paper that was due

  • I forgot to write my assignment that was due last week

When you want to explain that you totally forgot to write an assignment that was due; then you can say: -I completely forgot to write a paper that was due -I forgot to write my assignment that was due last week
あなたが大学の課題を締め切りまですっかり忘れていたといいたい場合、以下のように言えます: I completely forgot to write a paper that was due. (大学のレポートを書くのを締め切りまですっかり忘れていました。) I forgot to write my assignment that was due last week. (先週が締め切りの課題を書くのをすっかり忘れていました。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I totally forgot to write my paper.

  • I completely forgot to write my paper.

We can use the terms "totally" or "completely" to talk about 'as a whole', 'fully' or 'all'. Meaning that you forgot to do something without even trying to remember it or think about it.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I completely forget to write the report what was due.

  • I completely forgot to write the paper that was due.

  • It slipped my mind to complete the report that was due.

If you completely forgot to do something you did not remember and therefore did not do it. Slipped your mind also means you forgot to do something for example you might have been doing something else instead. When something is due it is expected for a particular time.
I completely forgot to ... は、それを忘れていて、しなかったことを表します。 slipped my mind も、何かをするのを忘れていたことを表します。例えば、代わりに他のことをしていたのかもしれません。 dueは、期限を表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I completely forgot to do the report.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I completely forgot to do the report.」 =レポート書くのすっかり忘れてた。 (例文)I completely forgot to do the report. It's due today. What should I do? (訳)レポート書くのすっかり忘れてた。期限は今日まで。どうしよう? 単語: forgot 忘れる お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
  • I forgot to write an essay.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ 学生の書くレポートは、よくessayと訳されるので、 おっしゃられている内容は、 I forgot to write an essay. 「レポートを書くのを忘れた」 と表現すれば良いと思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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