世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




子供がいつもオンライン英会話を受講しています。いつも現在形で話してしまって、過去形があまりでて来ません。例えば、今日公園に行ったよ!と言う時、子供はI go to the park today.などと言ってしまいます。I went to the park today.に言い直してほしいです。
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2018/02/09 16:24
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  • Could you please help me with the grammar in this sentence?

  • How do I change this sentence to show that it happened in the past?

  • What words can I use to show past tense?

Asking your teacher directly to show you the correct way to change from present tense to past tense is to ask "How do I change this sentence to show that it happened in the past?" You can also ask for words that show the past tense. For example: "I am walking to the shop" becomes "I walk+ed to the shop." "what words can I use to show past tense?" You can add "ed" to regular verbs which will change it into past tense. For example: walk becomes walk+ed = walked skip becomes skip+ed = skipped Irregular verbs are a bit more tricky and include words like sing which become sung: run becomes ran
講師に現在形を過去形に直すのをお願いする表現は、 "How do I change this sentence to show that it happened in the past?" この文を、どうやって過去形に直したらいいですか。 また、単語の過去形を聞くこともできます。  例えば、I am walking to the shopは、I walked to the shopになります。   "What words can I use to show past tense?" 過去形は何になりますか? 規則動詞の場合は、動詞にedをつけることで過去形になります。例えば、walkの過去形はwalked、skipの過去形はskippedとなります。 不規則動詞の場合は、少し複雑で、 sing の過去形はsung: run の過去形は ranとなります。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Could you correct my child if they use the wrong tense?

  • Could you ensure my child uses the past tense when speaking about the past?

Generally if the child is speaking only in the present then when speaking about the future or past, they will need to be corrected. However in the early stages of learning a language, the teacher may be allowing continued misuse of the present tense so as to improve fluency and confidence before tackling other tenses.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please correct her tenses?

  • Can you please correct her from present to past tense when necessary?

"Can you please correct her tenses?" This politely asks the teacher to pay attention to the tenses when your child is talking and correct them when she needs to. "Can you please correct her from present to past tense when necessary?" This politely specifically asks the teacher to correct your child from present to past tense when she needs to.
"Can you please correct her tenses?"という例文について この文は、あなたのお子さんが話しているときに時制について注意を払って、必要な際には訂正してほしいと丁寧にお願いをする文です。 "Can you please correct her from present to past tense when necessary?"という例文について この文は、必要な際には現在形から過去形へ訂正してほしいと明確に先生にお願いをする文です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can you explain how to change this to past tense

  • Can you show him/her how to use past tense

Past simple shows an action that started and finished in the past.Formed by putting ed on to end of regular verb. Eg I walked to school this morning. Irregular verbs have different endings and follow no pattern.
単純過去時制は、過去に始まって終わった行動のことです。規則変化動詞の場合は最後にedをつけます。 例: I walked to school this morning. 今朝、学校まで歩いた。 不規則変化動詞はそれぞれ違った形をしています。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • May you please correct the tenses of this sentence.

*May you please correct the tenses of this sentence. - Past tenses, present tenses, future tenses can be confusing at times especially to those learning English as a second language. Examples of past tenses: Go Went Bath Bathed Eat Ate Run Ran Example Sentences: Yesterday we went to the park. We ran for just an hour.
例文 *May you please correct the tenses of this sentence. この文の時制を直して頂けますか? 英語を第二外国語として習っている人には、過去形、現在形、未来形は時には混乱しがちです。 過去形の例 Go Went Bath Bathed Eat Ate Run Ran 例文 Yesterday we went to the park. 昨日公園に行った We ran for just an hour. 私達はちょうど1時間走った
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please tell me how to say that in the past tense

  • How could i say that this happened in the past instead of the present?

  • Could you please help with saying that in the past tense

The present tense is something that is happening at this time so for example "i'm going shopping tonight for some clothes" thats the present tense but if you went shopping then you would say "i went shopping last night for some clothes" By asking it will also give you examples of how to say things in the future so it is always good to ask if you are unsure of anything
現在形は、現在起きていることを表します。例えば、"I'm going shopping tonight for some clothes."(今晩、洋服を買いに行きます。)もし、既に買い物を済ませたのであれば、"I went shopping last night for some clothes."(昨夜、洋服を買いに行った。)となります。 分からないことは先生に聞いて教えてもらうのが一番良いでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell them how to say that in the past tense?

  • Can you teach them the past tense of that sentence?

To politely ask the teacher to correct your child's mistake, you can say, "Could you please correct her mistakes". This is to make sure the teacher corrects all their mistakes during the lesson and that it is important to you. And if you want them to especially focus on verb tense, you can say, "Please teach them how to use correct verb tense, especially past tense verbs." "Please teach her how say that correctly using past tense verbs".
先生に丁寧に子供の間違いを直して欲しいとお願いするなら、 "Could you please correct her mistakes?" (子供の間違いを直して頂けますか) と言えます。これは、授業中の間違いをすべて正すようにお願いする言い方です。 特に動詞の時制に気を付けて欲しいのであれば、例えば: "Please teach them how to use correct verb tense, especially past tense verbs." (正しい動詞の時制、特に過去形の動詞の使い方を教えてやってください) "Please teach her how say that correctly using past tense verbs." (過去形の動詞を使って、どのように言えばいいか教えてやってください)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please correct his/her sentence into the past tense?

  • My child always speaks in the present tense, please show him/her how to use the past tense.

When you want to ask a teacher to tell your child to speak in the past tense when appropriate, you may say it in the following ways: -Could you please correct his/her sentence into the past tense? -My child always speaks in the present tense, please show him/her how to use the past tense.
子供に過去形の使い方を教えて欲しいと先生にお願いするなら、次のように言うことが出来ます: 【例文】 -Could you please correct his/her sentence into the past tense? (彼/彼女の文章を過去形に直していただけますか?) -My child always speaks in the present tense, please show him/her how to use the past tense. (うちの子供はいつも現在形で話すので、過去形の使い方を教えてください)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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